Friends of the President Informal Group Meeting on a Global Market-based Measure Scheme for International Aviation

22 - 23 August 2016
Montréal , CANADA
ICAO HQ,999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
Registration is closed
​​​​​​​​The Friends of the President meeting will consider a global market-based measure (MBM) scheme for international aviation. The meeting will be held at ICAO Headquarters (Conference Room 3)​ in Montréal, Canada from  22 to 23 August 2016.
Building upon the results of the High-level Meeting on a Global MBM Scheme​ held in May 2016 and the subsequent decision by the Council in June 2016, the objective of this meeting is to evaluate the results of the bilateral and multilateral consultations by States related to the draft Assembly Resolution text on a global MBM scheme, with a view to developing compromise text for consideration by the Council and its subsequent submission to the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly.
This meeting is intended for the high-level officials with authority to represent the views from their States on the subject of a global MBM scheme for international aviation. Each Representative of participating State/Organization may be accompanied by two advisers.
Preparing for the meeting
Relevant reference materials are being published on this website. Please refer periodically to this website for reference materials as they become available. Documentation will be in English only. The meeting will be conducted in the six working languages of ICAO.
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