ICAO Technical Advisory Group on Traveller Identification Programme

The ICAO TRIP Programme is supported by the Technical Advisory Group on Traveller Identification Programme (TAG/TRIP, formerly TAG/MRTD), which is an advisory group appointed by the ICAO Secretary General. The TAG/TRIP consists of government and private sector experts, and exercises a dual function within the TRIP Programme: it (i) establishes policy recommendations and proposals, and (ii) develops, establishes and maintains TRIP standards and specifications.
The TAG/TRIP also supports the ICAO Secretariat work through its two working groups:
  • The New Technologies Working Group (NTWG): responsible for research, analysis and reporting on new technologies available today or in the future for use in MRTDs, including the development of MRTD specifications contained in Document 9303; and
  • The Implementation and Capacity Building Working Group (ICBWG): assists the Secretariat and its international and regional partners in implementing all the education, promotion, assistance and capacity building demands channelled through the ICAO Secretariat.


Terms of reference. The TAG/TRIP is appointed by the Secretariat, which reports on its progress to the Air Transport Committee. The TAG/TRIP develops specifications for machine readable passports, visas and official travel documents and guidance material to assist States in implementing these specifications and exploiting modern techniques in inspection systems.


TAG/TRIP Members and Observers

​Member ​Nominated by
​Ms. A. Moores ​Australia
​Mr. M. Myre ​Canada
​Vacant ​Chile
​Mr. W. Xiaobo ​China
​​Vacant ​Czech Republic
​Mr. P. Butor ​France
​Mr. V. Rosahl ​Germany
​Mr. R. Swaminathan ​India 
​Mr. J. Nugent ​Ireland
Mr. A. Endo​ ​Japan
​Mr. B. Poletti Luxembourg
​Ms. G.M. Keijzer-Baldé ​Netherlands
​Mr. D. Philp ​New Zealand

​Mr. J. Wariya

Vacant ​Portugal
​Mr. Y. Valentinovich Vzilter ​Russian Federation
​Mr. F. J. Aranda ​Spain
​Mr. L. Bjöhle ​Sweden
​Mr. R. Vanek ​Switzerland
Mr. A. Brown

​United Kingdom

​Mr. M. Holly             United States
Observer organizations:
Airports Council International (ACI) ​ ​​International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
​International Air Transport Association (IATA) ​Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
European Union (EU) ​ International Organization for Migration (IOM)
​International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Organization of American States (OAS) – Inter-American Committee on Terrorism (CICTE)
 International Labour Organization (ILO) ​United Nations (UN)


Secretary: Chief, Facilitation Section
First meeting held: 16-20 January 1986
Most recent meeting held: TAG/MRTD/22, 21-23 May 2014
Next meeting:  TAG/TRIP/1 (formerly TAG/MRTD), 30 March to 1 April 2016
Becoming a TAG/TRIP member. A government agency interested in becoming a member is requested to send a formal nomination letter addressed to the ICAO Secretary General, attaching a Curriculum Vitae of the expert whom is being nominating as a Member of the TAG/TRIP. 



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