Agenda item 1: Adoption of the Draft agenda and work programme
| Provisional Agenda and Work Programme
Agenda item 2: Global
and Regional Developments
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| Global and Regional Developments
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| Appendix - Status of African States with regard to selected international Air Law Instruments as of 8 July 2024
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Agenda Item 3: Review and follow-up on the outcomes of previous DGCA meeting & updates on the AFI DGCA Championships
| Follow-up on the outcomes of the previous Meetings and Updates on AFI DGCA Championships
| Presentation:- Follow-up on the outcomes of the previous Meetings and Updates on AFI DGCA Championships
Agenda item 4: Regional Aviation Performance
| Regional Aviation Performance
| Presentation - Regional Aviation Performance
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Agenda item 4: Etat des performances de la région / State of performance of the region
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| Les défis relatifs au programme national de sécurité (PNS) / Challenges relating to the State
Safety Programme (SSP)
Agenda Item 5: Updates on APIRG and RASG-AFI Meetings, Regional Plans (AFI ANP, AFI RASP), Annual Reporting, ICAO/AUC/AFCAC Aviation Infrastructure Gap Analysis and Priorities
| Updates on Regional Plans Annual Reporting and Infrastructure Gap Analysis
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| Appendix A - 10th Edition of the RASG-AFI Annual Safety Report 2023
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| Appendix B - AFI Air Navigation Report 1st Edition
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| Presentation:- Updates on Regional Plans Annual Reporting and Infrastructure Gap Analysis
Agenda Item 6: Agenda Item 6 - Capacity Development, including Gender Equality
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| Capacity Development and Implementation Support
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Agenda item 6: Renforcement des capacités et égalité des genres / Capacity building and gender equality
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| Initiatives de l'ANAC sur le renforcement des capacités en aviation / ANAC Initiatives on Aviation Capacity Building
Agenda item 7: Updates
on ICAO Voluntary Funds Programmes
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| Overview of Voluntary Funds
Agenda item 8: State’s
plans to highlight and commemorate the 80th Anniversary of ICAO and
the Year of Facilitation
| ICAO 80th Anniversary Celebrations
| 2024: The Year of Facilitation
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