AFI Aviation Week - Ninth
15 - 19 July 2024
Libreville , Gabon
Registration is closed
Information on 9th AFI Week Host State - Gabon Click to view
- Invitation Letter / Lettre d'invitation ENG | FRE
- Information Bulletin / Bulletin d'information ENG | FRE
- Draft overall Programme / Projet de programme général ENG | FRE
- Opening Remarks Programme ENG | FRE
AFI Aviation Week Events
Day 1: Monday, 15 July 2024: - Grand Opening and Tenth Meeting of DGCAs
Tenth Meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation of the Africa-Indian Ocean Region
(AFI-DGCA/10) Click to view
- To review latest developments in aviation, the evolution of the aviation performance in all ICAO strategic objectives in the AFI Region, key priorities and issues related to capacity building in the region.
- Directors General of Civil Aviation of AFI States, to be accompanied by technical experts as necessary, to take full advantage of the meeting's deliberations; and
- Invited representatives of international and regional organizations, aviation stakeholders and industry.
Day 2 Morning : Tuesday, 16 July 2024: - Tenth Meeting of DGCAs
Tenth Meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation of the Africa-Indian Ocean Region
(AFI-DGCA/10) Click to view
- To review latest developments in aviation, the evolution of the aviation performance in all ICAO strategic objectives in the AFI Region, key priorities and issues related to capacity building in the region.
- Directors General of Civil Aviation of AFI States, to be accompanied by technical experts as necessary, to take full advantage of the meeting's deliberations; and
- Invited representatives of international and regional organizations, aviation stakeholders and industry.
Day 2 Afternoon : Tuesday, 16 July 2024: - 27th AFI Plan Steering Committee Meeting
13th AFI
SECFAL Plan Steering Committee Meeting
Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI Plan) Click to view
- To review activities of the AFI Plan and the AFI SECFAL Plan, and in particular, consider the report of the implementation of the two Plans 2023 and 2024 work programmes and projects; review and discuss the 2025-2030 programmes documents and projects, including organizational and governance in line with the OIO's AFI Plan audit recommendations; and provide guidance as appropriate. .
- AFI Plan and AFI SECFAL Plan Steering Committee Members;
- Directors-General of Civil Aviation from AFI Region Member States; and
- Directors-General/Senior Government officials of the appropriate authorities for Aviation Security and Facilitation from AFI Region Member States; and
- Invited representatives of other Member States and international/regional organizations/partners.
Day 3 : Wednesday, 17 July 2024: - 27th AFI Plan Steering Committee Meeting
13th AFI SECFAL Plan Steering Committee Meeting
Day 4: Thursday, 18 July 2024: - AFI Aviation Symposium
AFI Aviation Symposium Click to view
- To discuss various initiatives in and for Africa, share success stories and challenges, and agree on relevant strategies to further enhance aviation performance in the region. The symposium will also discuss issues related to the implementation in all ICAO Strategic Objectives (Safety, Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency, Aviation Security, Economic Development of Air Transport and Environmental Protection).
- Directors-General of Civil Aviation and Representatives of AFI Region Member States; and
- Representatives from partner States, international and regional organizations, aviation stakeholders and industry.
Day 5: Friday, 19 July 2024: -
Extraordinary Meeting of the AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) and the Regional Aviation Safety Group for the AFI Region (RASG-AFI)
The Extraordinary Meeting of the AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) and the Regional Aviation Safety Group for the AFI Region (RASG-AFI) Click to view
- To consider the enhancement of APIRG and RASG-AFI Structure as called by the APIRG/26 & RASG-AFI/9 Decision 5/05. The meeting will discuss and agree on the proposals developed by the Secretariat for a revised structure and new Working Methods of the two Groups, as well as the consequential transitional arrangements.
- Directors General of Civil Aviation and Technical Experts of APIRG and RASG-AFI Member States; and
- Representatives from partner States, international and regional organizations, aviation stakeholders and industry.