Workshop on Implementation of the New Global Reporting Format for Runway Surface Conditions in the ICAO EUR Region, Paris, France - 10 to 11 July 2019

The Workshop on Implementation of the New Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions in the ICAO EUR Region was held at the ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Office in Paris, France from 10 to 11 July 2019. A total of 98 experts from 29 States, 5 International Organizations (ACI, CANSO, EASA, IATA, ICAO), 1 Airline and 1 Industry participated in the workshop.

Stakeholders are expected to implement the new Global Reporting Format for runway surface conditions on 5 November 2020. This implementation is expected to reduce the risk of runway excursions since GRF improves the accuracy and timeliness of runway condition assessment and harmonizes this information globally. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between GRF and aircraft performance. The workshop developed a GRF implementation check list to assist States in the ICAO EUR Region with implementation.

(See full size image)

Future GRF workshops in the EUR Region that have been confirmed include the following:

10-11 December 2019; Frankfurt, Germany; and

28-29 January 2020; Helsinki, Finland.

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