MID Region AIS Database Study Group

MID Region AIS Database Study Group First Meeting (MIDAD SG*/1)
(Cairo, Egypt, 20 - 22 February 2012)





​WP No.



​WP/1 1​ Provisional agenda and election of Chairperson​
WP/2​ 2​ MID Region AIS Database (MIDAD)​
​WP/3 2​ AIS experiences in EAD​
WP/4​ 4​ ​Developments in the world and MIDAD requirements
​WP/5 ​4 User requirements​
​WP/6 7​ Financial Model​
​WP/7 8​ Business Model & legal framework​
WP/8​ ​9 ​Project process, timeline for development and implementation
​WP/9 ​5 ​System Topology options, interfaces, communication
WP/10​ ​6 ​Concept of operation, organisational structure, staffing, training & migration
​WP/11 ​3 MIDAD Study Report ​



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