Second Meeting of the Middle East Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG-MID/2)


Abu Dhabi, UAE, 12 - 14 November 2012

​Letter of invitation ​ ​
Reminder ​ ​
​Final Report
Agenda Item Title​​
1 ​1 Provisional Agenda​
2 ​2 Initiatives to reduce Loss Of Control In-flight (LOC-I) accidents​
3 ​2 Initiatives to reduce the risk of ​runway related accidents
4 ​2 Initiatives to reduce the risk of CFIT accidents​
5 ​3 ​RASG-MID Steering Committee activities
6 ​3 ​Review of the draft Annual Safety Report
7 ​3 ​Provision of safety data on incidents and occurrences
8 ​3 ​MID Regional Aviation Safety Team (MID-RAST)
9 3​ ​Runaway and Ground Safety
10 ​3 ​In Flight Damage
11 ​1 ​Election of RASG-MID Chairperson
​12 ​3 ​Call sign confusion
13 ​3 ​SSP/SMS implementation in the MID Region
14 ​3 ​Establishment of RSOOs and RAIOs
15 3​ ​Funding of the RASG-MID activities
16 ​3 ​RASG-MID Work Programme for 2013
17 3​ ​RASG-MID Safety Summit
18 ​4 ​RASG-MID working arrangements
19 ​5 ​Outcome of MIDANPIRG/13 related to safety
20 ​7 ​Future work programme
21 ​7 ​RASG-MID, Alternates and Advisers
Title​​ ​​
​1 ​- ​List of Information and Working Papers
​2 -​ ​Daily Order of Business and Work Programme
3​ 2​ Global Aviation Safety Plan​
​4 ​2 RASG ​activities in the different ICAO Regions
​5 2​ Update on the work of the Safety Information Exchange Study Group (SIXSG)​
​6 ​2 Safety Information Protection Task Force​
​7 ​2 Update on the transition plan to the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme to a continuous monitoring approach (USOAP-CMA)


​8 2 ​Outcomes of the Symposium on RSOOs

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