ICAO Heliport Seminar (IHS)


  (Dubai, UAE, 8-10 December 2015)



Invitation Letter


 DAY 1

# ​Presentations   ​
1-1​UAE Heliport Regulatory Framework and Implementation
1-2​ICAO Heliport Update​​​
​1-3HDWG Work Programmes
​1-4UAE Helidecks - Proposed Regulation Framework and Safety Oversight
​1-5Heliport Evaluation Overview FAA 2015
​1-6Regulation from an Operators Perspective
​1-7Primary Operators Concerns regarding Heliport Safety
​1-8Operator Perspective Key Safety Considerations
​1-9​Hazards related to Operations in Oil and Gas​​

​ DAY 2

# ​​Presentations
2-1​GCAA- Helicopter safety lessons learned 2015​​
​2-2Heliport Design Overview - USA Perspective​​
​2-3Objective Standards and Defined Areas​​
​2-4HCA - Mitigation​​
​2-5Heliport Manual - Part I​​​
​2-6Helidecks - Super yacht Helideck Operating Environment​​​
​2-7Helideck Operations in Saudi Arabia​​​
​2-8Training and Development Standards for Heliport Operations​​
​2-9Helideck and Helicopter Interface Final​​​
​2-10Heliport Rescue and Firefighting - Platform Design​​
​2-11Heliport Rescue and Firefighting - Syllabus​​​​
​2-12Heliport Rescue and Firefighting​​​
2-13Operational Safety Oversight of Helidecks​​

​​ DAY 3

​​# ​​Presentations
3-1Heliport Certification Workshop​​​​
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