Invitation to
The Middle East Regional Runway Safety Seminar -
Amman, Jordan
Date: 14 – 16 May, 2012
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel Jordan, Amman
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in partnership with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), invites its Member States and individual participants, to the Middle East Regional Runway Safety Seminar - Amman.
ICAO and its Runway Safety Partners are committed to presenting Regional Runway Safety Seminars (RRSSs) to promote the establishment of Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) as a means of addressing runway safety issues. Be part of an important regional event that will bring together experts from diverse professional domains to promote a multidisciplinary approach to improving runway safety outcomes in the Middle East.
Learn about:
the benefits of establishing Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) and how they work
identification of runway safety hazards
- different mitigation strategies available
- regionally relevant issues and how they have been or could be addressed
- regional support for RSTs
Aviation professionals who should attend include:
Aircraft operators
Air navigation service providers
Aerodrome operators
Registration is free!
Participate and make a difference!