
​Documentation that your Government/Organization may wish to submit for discussion at the Conference should be forwarded electronically, in Microsoft Word format, to ICAO Headquarters, Montréal (, with a copy to no later than 30 August 2017.


Working papers should be brief, action oriented, focussed and limited to four pages of new text, including any appendices. Working papers of more than four pages will not be translated by the Organization and all information papers will be produced in their original language only, unless translated versions are provided by the originators of such papers. Longer papers will have to be presented as information papers in their original language(s) only. If the subject of such longer papers is considered essential to the conference's work, a summary of not more than four pages should be produced for translation. 


Documentation received from international organizations will be distributed only in the language or languages in which they are submitted. 


The Conference will be conducted on a paper-free basis as much as practicable.






Download here the WP template (.docx file)

Download here the​ IP Template (.docx file)

​​SD Number​Title​ ​Language
CAAF/2-SD/1​Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations from the First Meeting​​EN
CAAF/2-SD/2​Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations from the Second Meeting​​EN
CAAF/2-SD/3​​Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations from the Third Meeting​​EN
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​WORKING PAPERS​ ​
Number​​TitlePresented by​Language
​WP/01​Annotated Agenda​ICAO SecretariatE​​N​ FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/02​Meeting Arrangements and Tentative Timetable​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/03​Definitions​ICAO SecretariatE​N FR ES RU AR ZH

Definitions - Corrigendum

(Russian Only)

​ICAO Secretariat​                  RU
​WP/04​Follow Up on CAAF/1 Recommendations​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/05​Outcomes of the ICAO Seminar on Alternative Fuels​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/06​Trends and Scenarios on Alternative Fuels​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/06​Trends and Scenarios on Alternative Fuels - Revision​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/07​Status of Technical Certification of Aviation Alternative Fuels​ICAO Secretariat​EN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/08​Estimated prices of Aviation Alternative FuelsICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/09​Generation of Carbon Credits from Projects Related to the Development and Deployment of Alternative Fuels, Including Aviation Alternative Fuels​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/10​Financial Sources for Sustainable Aviation Fuels Projects​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/11​Guidance on Potential Policies and Coordinated Approaches for the Deployment of Sustainable Aviation Fuels​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/12​Challenges and Opportunities in Policy Making for Sustainable Aviation Fuels​ICAO Secretariat​EN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/13​Proposed ICAO Vision on Aviation Alternative Fuels​ICAO SecretariatEN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/14​European Views and Support for the Development and Use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels​Estonia, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States and the other States Members of the European Civil Aviation Conference EN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/15​Power-to-Liquids (PTL): Sustainable Alternative Fuels Produced from Renewable Electricity​GermanyEN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/16​ICAO's Role in the Developments and Deployment of Sustainable Aviation Fuels​United States of AmericaEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/17​Alternative Fuels Certification Process Accomplishments and Challenges​​United States of AmericaEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/18​Proposals for an ICAO Vision on Aviation and Alternative Fuels and for Ensuring a Smooth Transition to the Phase Out of CORSIA MBMs​Brazil and IndonesiaEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/19​Indonesia Views on Policies for Supporting the Development of Sustainable Aviation FuelsIndonesiaEN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/20​Aviation Biofuels Efficiency in Terms of CO2 Emissions Reduction​Russian FederationEN FR ES RU AR ZH
WP/20Aviation Biofuels Efficiency in Terms of CO2 Emissions Reduction​ - Revision​Russian FederationEN FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/21​Views of ICSA on the ICAO Vision for Aviation Alternative Fuels​International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation EN
​WP/22​Contributions from Airports to the Supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs)​Airports Council InternationalEN
WP/23​Development of Sustainable Aviation Fuels and the ICAO Vision​MexicoEN      ES
​WP/24​Development of a New Dedicated CDM Methodology for the Production and Utilization of Aviation Alternative Fuels in Domestic Aviation​ICAO and UNFCCC SecretariatsEN
WP/25​Industry Positions on the Proposed ICAO Vision​Airports Council International (ACI), Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), International Coordinating Council for Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA) EN​ FR ES RU AR ZH
​WP/26​China's Position on the Development of ICAO Vision for AAF​ChinaEN​
WP/27​Unique Airport Role to Advance Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)Rocky Mountain Institute/Carbon War Room EN
WP/27Unique Airport Role to Advance Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) - Revision​Rocky Mountain Institute/Carbon War Room EN


​Use of Aviation Alternative Fuels for International Aviation​SingaporeEN
​WP/29​Progress of the Latin American Region on the Development and Deployment of Alternative Fuels for Aviation​Guatemala on behalf of the member States of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (CLAC)EN      ES
​WP/30​Production and Use of Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Aviation in Developing Countries​Dominican RepublicEN      ES
NumberTitle​Presented By​Language
​IP/01Work of the Alternative Fuels Task Force​ICAO SecretariatEN
IP/02​ICAO Assistance Programmes on Environment​​ICAO SecretariatEN​
​IP/03​Consideration of Sustainable Aviation Fuels in the Carbon Offsetting and Reductions Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)​ICAO SecretariatEN
​IP/04​Current Policies and Global Initiatives on Alternative Fuels​ICAO Secretariat​EN
​IP/05​Efforts of Japan Toward the Realization of Commercial Flights Using Alternative Jet Fuels​Japan​EN
​IP/06​Integrated Production Systems for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Feedstock Production in Water-Stressed Regions​United Arab EmiratesEN
​IP/07​Sustainable Aviation Fuels Environment​BrazilEN
​IP/08​SABR-TRC: A Stand Alone Biorefinery Solution for ICAO's "No Country Left Behind"​BrazilEN
​IP/09​Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Biojet Production in Brazil​BrazilEN​
IP/10​Mexican Center for Innovation in Bioenergy (MCIB) - BioJet Fuel Cluster​MexicoEN     ES




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