DRONE ENABLE, ICAO's Third Unmanned Aircraft Systems Industry Symposium (DRONE ENABLE/3) 12 - 14 November 2019

DRONE ENABLE ICAO's Third Unmanned Aircraft Systems Industry Symposium (DE/3)

12 - 14 November 2019
Montréal , CANADA
ICAO HQ,999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard
Registration is closed
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DJI Invitation to attend Outside Demo 

8:00 – 8:30  am

November 13 and 14 Bonaventure Park

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Third DRONE ENABLE Symposium will be convened from 12 to 14 November 2019 in Montréal, Canada. The theme is "DRONE ENABLE/3 – Facilitating Future Innovation".


The symposium will bring together key stakeholders from government, industry, academia, and international organizations active in the unmanned aviation sector to exchange research, best practices, lessons learned and respective challenges. Attention will be given to complex issues related to the introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and UAS traffic management (UTM). The aircraft registry network, which ICAO has spearheaded, will be described including its purpose, intended functionality and interaction with national registry systems. Best practices will also be discussed to address cyber issues, information management, uncertificated unmanned aircraft (UA) operations in high seas airspace, operations above FL600, rules of the air and more.


On the second day of DRONE ENABLE/3, panel speakers, selected from those having comprehensively addressed the problem statement in our recently released Request for Information (RFI), regarding advancing the ICAO UTM framework, will discuss the technical issues highlighted above.


The symposium will describe commercial and non-commercial activities in this rapidly evolving sector of the aviation industry. It will also showcase the breadth of existing technologies, and ongoing research and development. The symposium will provide participants with valuable networking opportunities. We encourage you to take advantage of the wide range of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available to showcase your State, organization, or company.


Please note that the symposium will be held in English.


For further information please contact RPASEvents@icao.int.  


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Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities


Present your products and services to our Member States, governments, international organizations and subject matter experts. For any questions about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please fill out the form below. Our team will contact you shortly.




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