The first ICAO Stocktaking Seminar toward the 2050 Vision for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFS2019) will provide a forum for the exchange of information related to aviation fuels. This event will be the first step towards the establishment of a quantified 2050 ICAO Vision for Sustainable Aviation Fuels.
Why Attend?
- Develop a better understanding of sustainable aviation fuel research, certification, and deployment,
- Learn about the latest policies and initiatives related to sustainable aviation fuel,
- Participate in the Stocktaking process toward the 2050 ICAO Vision,
- Build partnerships with stakeholders from throughout the industry, and
- Communicate interest in taking part in potential future sustainable aviation fuel feasibility studies.
Who will attend?
- Policy and decision makers from ICAO Member States,
- Technical experts and researchers from the entire fuel supply chain,
- Airlines, airports, fuel producers, manufacturers, environmental groups, energy companies, financial groups, aviation marketing agents, and other organizations that are involved, or are interested in becoming involved in sustainable aviation fuel,
- Additional interested parties and individuals.
In preparation for the event, States and Organizations are invited to return a completed
questionnaire to ICAO by email ( by 12 April 2019. Please also contact with any questions.
Background Information
The second ICAO Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF/2), held in Mexico City, Mexico from 11-13 October 2017 endorsed the 2050 ICAO Vision for Sustainable Aviation Fuels as a living inspirational path and called on States, industry and other stakeholders to substitute a significant proportion of conventional aviation fuels with sustainable aviation fuels by 2050. The Conference noted that this path would be based on the assumptions of a progressive increased use of sustainable aviation fuel, and should be periodically reviewed through a stocktaking process to continuously assess progress on sustainable aviation fuel development and deployment.