


Home Programme Registration Documentation Information Conference Agenda​


Note. — The Conference will be conducted on a paper-less basis, with no distribution of hard copies of Working Papers or Information Papers.    




Please Note the revision to the Order of Business for Day 3



General Information for Delegates
Instructions to access public wireless connection​​ en



Opening address by the President of the ICAO Council






en - English fr - Français es - Español ru - Русский ar - عربية zh - 中文
List of Participants
List of participants as of 6 September 2012
OB #
Order of Business
Day 2 Revision No. 2 ​en
Day 3 Revised ​en
WP #
Working Papers

WP 1

Conference Agenda, Provisional Programme And Meeting Arrangements


WP 2​ ​Advance Passenger Information (API) and its role in Aviation Security en
​WP 3

​Increased disclosure of USAP audit results


en es
ar zh
​WP 4

​The evolution of the USAP


en es ru ​​ar ​​zh
WP 5​ ​Passenger Name Record (PNR) Data and its Role in Aviation Security en fr es ru ar zh


​WP 6

Promotion of the ICAO Aviation Security Assistance and Capacity Building Strategy and Activities






​WP 7

​ICAO Symposium on Innovation in Aviation Security en ​​es ru ar zh
WP 8 ​​The Public Key Directory (PKD) en fr es ru zh
​​WP 9 Traveller Identification and the Machine Readable Travel Document Programme
​WP 10 ​Global Risk Context Statement en fr es ru ar zh
Risk Context Statement document
​WP 11 ​Implementation of 100 Per Cent Screening of Persons other than Passengers en
​WP 12 ​Key Principles on Air Cargo and Mail Security en fr ru ar
WP 13 ​Sustainable Aviation Security Solutions zh
​WP 14 Liquids, Aerosols and Gels en ​​fr ​​es ​​ru ​​ar ​​zh
​WP 15 Promotion of the Beijing Convention and the Beijing Protocol of 2010 ru zh
​WP 16 ​Security Matters relating to Air Navigation  en ​fr es ar
Note. WP/16 will be considered under Agenda Item 6
​WP 17 ​Aviation Security - Agenda Item 3 ​en fr zh
​WP 18 ​​Aviation Security - Agenda Item 2 en fr es ​zh
​WP 19 ​​​Aviation Security - Agenda Item 6 ru ​​zh
​WP 20 ​Aviation Security - Agenda Item 4 ru ar ​​zh
​WP 21 ​​Aviation Security - Agenda Item 5 ru ​​zh
​WP 22 ​Aviation Security - Agenda Item 8 ru zh
​WP 23 ​Air Cargo Security in the Russian Federation en fr es ru ar zh
​WP 24 ​ICAO Aviation Security Point of Contact Operating in the Russian Federation en fr es ru ar​ zh
​​WP 25 Evolution of the Universal Security Audit Programme ​​en ​​fr ​​es ru ​​ar zh
​WP 26 ​Next Generation Screening en fr es ru ar zh
​WP 27 Recognizing Landside Security as a Priority
Note. WP/27 will be considered under Agenda Item 6
WP 28 Refocusing Security Policies on the Passenger ​en ​zh


​WP 29

Mandatory Nature of 100% Inspection of Persons other than Passengers together with Items Carried
​WP 30 ICAO-WCO-Singapore Joint Conference on Enhancing Air Cargo Security and Facilitation en fr es ru ar zh
​WP 31 Principles governing International Aviation Security Co-operation ​​en ​​fr ​​es ​​ru ​​ar ​​zh
​WP 32 ​One Global Solution for Air Cargo Security and Facilitation en
​WP 33
An Outcomes-based Approach to Sustainable Aviation Security Measures
en fr es ru ar
​WP 34 ​Air Cargo Security: Customs Role en
​WP 35
The Evolution of Screening
en fr ru
​WP 36 ​Carriage of Liquids, Aerosols and Gels in Hand Luggage en
​WP 37 ​Air Cargo and Mail Screening Process Implemented by Regulated Agents in Indonesia en
​WP 38 ​Combating the Insider Threat at Airports in Indonesia en
​WP 39 The Impact of GNSS Vulnerability and Response Measures en
​WP 40 Implementing the Requirements on the Carriage of Weapons by Individuals ​​en
​​WP 41 ​International Capacity Building Strategy for Air Cargo Security ​​en fr es​ ru zh
​​WP 42 A Proposed Framework for Aviation Capacity Building ​en
​WP 43 ​Access to Information on Audit Results Within the USAP Realisation en ru
​WP 44 ​Data Collected from Australia's LAGs Transit Screening Regime ��en
​WP 45 ​The Reality of and Mitigating Insider Threat en fr​
​WP 46 ​Preserving Individual Rights en fr
​WP 47 ​Appropriate Level of Disclosure of USAP Audit Results en
IP #
Information Papers
​IP 1 ​Update on the ICAO Comprehensive Aviation Security Strategy en​



​IP 2

Results of the ICAO European/North Atlantic Regional Conference on Aviation Security and progress of the implementation in the Russian Federation of the Joint Statement of the Conference
IP 3
Surveillance et contrôle des mesures de sûreté aéroportuaire : le choix de l’externalisation des mesures
​IP 4 ​Capacity Building and Technical Assistanc in the Pacific Region en
​IP 5 ​Position of Cuba Regarding Each Item of the Conference Agenda ​en ​fr sp
​IP 6 Aviation Security Development in Indonesia en
​IP 7 The ROK’s effective Security System for Combating Insider Threats en
​​IP 8 Assistance Activities for Capacity-building of Developing Countries by the Republic of Korea en
​​IP 9 Implementation of the MRTD Programme:  Travel Document Security and Passport Quality Test en
​​IP 10 Current status of APIS, iAPP and SES ​​en
​IP 11 Aviation Security Training In Indonesia en
​IP 12 ​Australia's Liquid, Aerosol and Gel Transit Screening Regime and Future Policy Intentions ���en
​IP 13 ​ASEAN-Japan Aviation Security Cooperation en
​IP 14 ​Aviation Security Developments in the Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region en
​IP 15 Status of Liquids, Aerosols, and Gels (LAGs) Screening in the United States of America en
​IP 16 ​In-flight Security Officers ​en
​IP 17 Pacific Directors of Civil Aviation: Aviation Security Forum en
​IP 18 ​Mechanisms Adopted to Implemented the African Aviation Security Roadmap en
Reference Documents
State Letter 12/06
High-level Conference on Aviation Security
State Letter 12/27
High-level Conference on Aviation Security - Reminder
en fr es
ar zh


Instructions regarding the preparation of Working/Information Papers
*Please note: Language versions of templates for WPs and IPs will be posted when they become available


Template for Working Papers ("action papers")
Template for Information Papers
Considering the limited time for the meeting, the discussions at the meeting will focus on the key issues. If you intend to submit working papers, you may wish to review the Secretariat's basic documentation before doing so. Working papers will be posted in .pdf form on the website as soon as they are processed.
Working papers should be strictly limited to four pages of text (including appendices). Working papers presented by observers and all information papers will be produced in their original language(s) only, unless translated versions are provided by the originators of such papers.
Electronic submission of working papers is strongly encouraged. As Microsoft Word is the ICAO standard for word processing, it would be appreciated if an electronic copy of your working paper in Microsoft Word format could be sent directly by e-mail to

 For additional information, please contact:

Security and Facilitation Policy (SFP) Section
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