​Second NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group Meeting (ANI/WG/2)

Puntarenas, Costa Rica, 1 to 4 June 2015



​Invitation Letter
Registration Form
​Group Photo
 Final  Report
​Order of Business 1 - Monday 1 June 2015
​​Order of Business 2 - Tuesday 2 June 2015
​Order of Business 3 - Wednesday 3 June 2015
​​Order of Business 4 - Thursday 4 June 2015

Discussion Papers

# Item ​Title ​Date Language
ND/01 ​​​4.1 ​Avances del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Implementación de Navegación Aerea para las Regiones NAM/CAR  - Presented by ANI/WG Chairman ​03/06/15
DP/02 ​​​4.1 ​Preliminary Progress Report by PBN Task Force  - Presented by the PBN Task Force ​03/06/15
DP/03 ​​4.1 ​Preliminary  ANI/WG ATFM Implementation Task Force Progress Repost   - Presented by the ATFM Task Force 03/06/15
DP/04 ​​4.1 ​Preliminary Progress Reportof the AIDC Task Force  - Presented by the AIDC Task Force 03/06/15​
​DP/05 ​4.1 ​Preliminary Progress Report of the AIM Task Force - Presented by the AIM Task Force 03/06/15
DP/06 ​​4.1 ​Report of Progress of the Task Force ADS-B to the ANI/WG  - Presented by the ADS-B Task Force ​03/06/15
DP/07 ​4.1 ​Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS) Task Force Report  - Presented by the AMHS Task Force ​02/06/15
DP/08 ​4.1 ​ANI/WG GOLD (CPDLC/ADS-C) implementation Task Force progress report - Presented by the GOLD Task Force ​02/06/15
DP/09 ​​4.1 ​ANRFs adopted with the Regional Performance Based- Air Navigation Implementation (RPBANIP) - Presented by the Ad hoc Group WG on Performance Metrics ​03/06/15

Working Papers  

​# Item ​Title Date Language
WP/01 ​1 ​Provisional Agenda and Schedule of the Second NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group Meeting - Presented by the Secretariat ​27/04/15
​2 ​Conclusiones/Decisiones Validas de la Reunión ANI/WG/1  - Presented by the ANI/WG Chairman  

WP/03 ​3.1 ​Port-of-Spain (POS) Declaration and the ICAO NACC Regional Office Strategy for supporting the “No Country Left Behind” (NCLB) campaign  - Presented by the Secretariat 13/05/15
WP/04​ 3.4 ​​New Electronic Regional Air Navigation Plan (eANP) Template and Procedures for Amendments - Presented by the Secretariat 27/04/15
​NE/05 ​4.1 ​Avances del grupo de Trabajo sobre Implementación de Navegación Aérea Para las Regiones NAM/CAR (ANI/WG) - Presented by the ANI/WG Group 29/05/15
 WP/06​ 4.1​​ ​​Preliminary Progress report  by PBN Task Force - Presented by the PBN Task Force Rapporteur ​26/05/15
 WP/07​ 4.1​​ ​ANI/WG ATFM Implementation Task Force Progress Report - Presented by the ATFMTask Force Rapporteur 28/05/15
 WP/08​ ​4.1 ​Preliminary Progress Report of the AIDC Task Force  - Presented by the AIDC Task Force Rapporteur  

 WP/09 4.1 Report of Progress of the Task Force ADS-B to ANI/WG  - Presented by the ADS-B Task Force Rapporteur 21/05/15
WP/10 4.1​​ Preliminary Progress Report of the AIM Task Force - Presented by the AIM Task Force Rapporteur ​19/05/15

WP/11 4.1​ ​Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS) Task Force Report- Presented by the AMHS Task Force Rapporteur ​22/05/15
​WP/12 ​4.1 ​ANI/WG GOLD (CPDLC/ADS-C) Implementation Task Force Progress Report  - Presented by the GOLD  Task Force Rapporteur ​29/05/2015
WP/13 5.1​​ ​Review of the existing Air Navigation Reporting Forms (ANRFs)- Presented by the Secretariat ​26/05/15
​​WP/14 5.2​ ​Proposal to modify Air Navigation Reporting Form - Presented by Canada and United States 26/05/15
​WP/15 ​4.1 ​Support to the Implementation on Air Navigation Issues on Behalf of the Technical Cooperation Regional Project– Implementation of Performance-Based Air Navigation systems for the CAR Region (RLA/09/801) - Presented by the Secretariat ​26/05/15
​WP/16 ​4.1 ​Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Activities in support of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)/Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) implementation - Presented by the Secretariat ​29/05/15
​WP/17 ​7 ​Review of the Terms of Reference and Work Programme of the NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (ANI/WG)  - Presented by the ANI/WG Chairman 22/05/15
​WP/18 3​​ ​Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and Remote Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)  - Presented by the Secretariat 25/05/15
​​WP/19 ​--- ​Cancelled ​---
WP/20 ​3.5 ​ICAO Position for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2015) - Presented by the Secretariat 27/04/15  
​WP/21 ​4.1 ​Raim Prediction  -  Introduction to DW International  - Presented by DW International 28/05/15
​WP/22 ​4.1 ​Follow-up on the implementation of the NAM/CAR Regional Performance Based Air Navigation Plan (RPBANIP) in the Eastern Caribbean: Progress report of the Fifth Eastern Caribbean Network Technical Group Meeting (E/CAR/NTG/5) and Third Eastern Caribbean Radar Data Sharing Group Meeting (E/CAR/RD/3) - Presented by the E/CAR/NTG-E/CAR/RD Rapporteur ​26/05/15
​WP/23 4.1​ ​FPL Monitoring Group Progress Report - Presented by the AIDC Task Force Rapporteur 22/15/15
WP/24 ​4.1 ​Implementation of Annex 15, Chapter 11 Aerodrome Mapping Data  - Presented by the Secretariat ​22/04/15
WP/25 ​4.1 ​ Report of E/CAR/CATG  - Presented by the Chairperson of the E/CAR/CATG 27/05/15
WP/26​ ​4.1 ​Miami air route traffic control center, Miami high sector 40: improving operations  - Presented by United States 27/15/15
​WP/27 4.1​ ​Reduction and harmonization of the Longitudinal Separation Minima in the CAR/NAM FIR’s boundaries   - Presented by IATA 27/05/15
​WP/28 4.1​ ​Need of adopting a Collaborative Focus on the Airspace Management in the Common Boundary of Havana and Miami FIR by the Impact of Hazardous Areas in North Latitude 2400  - Presented by CUB A ​28/15/15

Information Papers  

# Item ​Title Date Language
​IP/01 ---​ ​List of Working and Information Papers - Presented by the Secretariat 01/06/15
​​IP/02 2​ Review to Valid NACC/WG/4 and E/CAR/CATG/1 Meetings Conclusions related to the ANI/WG- Presented by the Secretariat ​22/05/15
​​​IP/03 2​ ​Relevant Valid Conclusions/Decisions from the NACC/DCA/5, GREPECAS/17 Meetings and other DCAs Meetings - Presented by the Secretariat 25/15/15
​IP/04 ​3.2 ​First Annual Global Air Navigation Report and Regional Performance Dashboards - Presented by the Secretariat 22/05/15
​IP/05 ​3.3 ​Doc 9981 - Procedures for Navigation Services – Aerodromes (PANS-AGA), First Edition - Presented by the Secretariat 13/05/15
​​​IP/06 ​3.5 ​Mini-Global Project Demonstrations Presented by United States 25/15/15
​IP/07 ​8 ​International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)/United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) Aerospace Symposium - Presented by the Secretariat ​20/04/15
​IP/08 ​4.1 ​Study of an own Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) for the CAR/SAM Regions - Project RLA/03/902– Transition to GNSS/SBAS in the CAR/SAM Regions - Augmentation Solution for the CARIBBEAN, Central And South America - (SACCSA) – Phase III - Presented by the Secretariat ​27/04/15
​IP/09 ​4.1 ​Procedures for Air Navigation for Aeronautical Information Management (PANS-AIM)  - Presented by the Secretariat 29/05/15
​​IP/10 ​6 ​Results of the Second NAM/CAR Civil Aviation Training Centres Working Group Meeting (NAM/CAR/CATC/WG/2) and activities carried out by the Training Task Force- Presented by the Secretariat ​25/05/15
​IP/11 ​8 ​Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) - Presented by the Secretariat 12/05/15
​​IP/12 ​4.1 ​FAA Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) status update - Presented by United States
​IP/13 ​4.2 ​U.S. Implementation of the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU)
Block 0 modules  - Presented by United States
​​IP/14 ​3.1 Regional Aviation Safety Group — Pan America (RAGS-PA) - Presented by the Secretariat 19/05/15
​​​IP/16 ​4.1 ​​​Operational use of CPDLC and ADS-C in Trinidad and Tobago  - Presented by Trinidad and Tobago 28/05/15
​IP/15 ​4.1 ​MEVA III Network Implementation Overview   - Presented by MEVA TMG Coordinator 22/05/15
​IP/17 4.1​ ​AIM Roadmap implementation Progress in the Republic of Cuba  - Presented by Coba 26/15/15
​NI/18 ​4.2 ​Implementación en Cuba del Plan Regional NAM/CAR de Implementación de Navegación Aérea Basada en la Performance (RPBANIP) y el Bloque 0 de la Metodología de Mejoras por Bloques del Sistema de la Aviación (ASBU)  - Presented by Cuba ​26/05/15
​​IP/19 ​8 ​ICAO Second High-Level Safety Conference (HLSC) 2015  - Presented by the Secretariat 27/05/15
​​IP/20 ​4.1 ​United States offshore Caribbean airspace operations improvement - Presented by United States 27/05/15
​​IP/21 4.2​​ ​State industry collaborative process for the transition from current systems to those specified in the Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU)- Presented by IATA and RTCA 27/05/15
​​IP/22 ​4.1 ​PBN implementation progress in Haiti - Presented by Haiti 27/05/15
​​IP/23 ​4.1 ​Collaborative decision making (CDM) in procedure designing in Haiti  - Presented by Haiti 27/05/15
​​IP/24 4.1​ ​Improvement in Air Navigation Communication between the FIRS of PIARCO and Dakar - Presented by Trinidad and Tobago 29/05/15
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