Nineteenth Meeting of the CAR/SAM Regional Planning and Implementation Group (GREPECAS/19)
Online, 27 – 29 October 2021 


​Invitation Letter
Final report


​Conclusions/Decisions,  Presented by the Secretariat.


Order of Business






OB/01​--​Order of Business No. 1, Presented by the Secretariat.​27/10/21
​OB/02--​​​Order of Business No. 2, Presented by the Secretariat.28/10/21
OB/03--​​Order of Business No. 3, Presented by the Secretariat.29//10/21

Working Papers








​1​Adoption of the Provisional Agenda and Schedule, Presented by the Secretariat.​26/10/21
​WP/022​​Support topics COVID-19 - SAM Region, Presented by the Secretariat.​14/10/21
​WP/032​​ICAO NACC Follow-up to Activities in Support of ICAO Aviation Recovery for COVID-19Presented by the Secretariat.​15/10/21
​WP/04​3.2​Summary of the current status of programs and projects - SAM Region, Presented by the Secretariat.​15/10/21
​WP/053.2​​Summary of the Status of the Programmes and Projects- CAR Region, Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
​WP/06​3.1​​Progress on the Work Related to the Update of the CAR/SAM ANP, Presented by the Secretariat.15/10/21
​WP/073.2​​GREPECAS Improvements – Update, Presented by Brazil.​11/10/21
​WP/084​​Follow-up to the Global Campaign for NOTAM Improvements in the SAM Region, Presented by the Secretariat.​15/10/21
WP/096.2​​Report to the Air Navigation Commission (ANC), Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
​WP/10​4​Implementation of the new SNOWTAM format, Presented by the Secretariat. ​15/10/21
WP/11​4​Current Status of 5LNC Codes in the CAR/SAM Regions, Presented by the Secretariat.05/10/21
​WP/124​​Follow-up to the Work of the GREPECAS Scrutiny Working Group (GTE) Results of the CAR/SAM RVSM Airspace Safety Assessment - Period 2018-2020, Presented by the Secretariat.​20/10/21
​WP/13​5.1 &5.2​GREPECAS – RASG-PA Activities, Projects and Coordination Proposals, Presented by the Secretariat.​20/10/21
​WP/14​3.2​Development of Air Navigation Services (ANS) Work in the NAM/CAR Region, Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
​WP/153.2​​GREPECAS Dashboard, Presented by the Secretariat.26/10/21​
​WP/16​3.2​Air Space Optimization in Brazil, Presented by Brazil.08/10/21
​NE/17​3.2​Integración CAR/SAM para el Desenvolvimiento de la Gestión de la Afluencia del Tránsito Aéreo (ATFM) en la Región (available only in Spanish), Presented by Brazil.​26/10/21
​WP/184​​Status of ADS-B Implementation in Brazil (disponible únicamente en inglés), Presented by Brazil.​26/10/21
WP/19​6.1​​Progress in the Implementation of the Current Conclusions of GREPECAS, Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
​WP/204​​Approval of the Amendment to the Manual for Points of Contact Accredited to CARSAMMA (PoCs Manual), Presented by the Secretariat.​21/10/21
WP/21​3.2​​Regional CAR Flight Procedure Programme (CAR FPP), Presented by COCESNA. ​25/10/21
 WP/223.2​​Cooperation in National Regulatory Processes for Meteorology, Presented by Costa Rica.​25/10/21
​WP/234​​Global and Interregional Activities (GRF, SNOWNOTAM, Global NOTAM Campaign), Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
NE/24​3.2​Modelo Sugerido para la Automatización de la TWR con el Objetivo de Reducir la Carga de Trabajo de Pilotos y Controladores de Tránsito Aéreo en las Regiones CAR/SAM Integrada a REDDIG (available only in Spanish), Presented by the Brasil.​26/10/21​--


Information Papers








--​​List of Working and Information Papers, Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
​IP/02​3.2​Activation of the Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS)/Air Navigation Plan (ANP) Subgroup of Interop Task Force (TF), Presented by the Secretariat.​18/10/21
​IP/034​​Activities carried out by Brazil to improve NOTAM, Presented by Brazil.21/10/21
​IP/04​6.3​GREPECAS Procedural Handbook Update , Presented by the Secretariat.20/10/21
​IP/05​3.2​Initiatives to Deploy SWIM in Brazil, Presented by Brazil.​06/10/21
​Presentación asociada a la NI/05, Presented by Brazil.​---
​NI/06​3.2​Programa SIRIUS de Brasil (available only in Spanish), Presented by Brazil.​06/10/21--​
​IP/07​6.1​Review of the Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies Reported in the GREPECAS Air Navigation Deficiencies Database (GANDD), Presented by the Secretariat.​20/10/21
​IP/083.3​​Gap Analysis Between the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and the Regional Air Navigation Plan (RANP) Updating the Functions and Terms of Reference (ToRs) of GREPECAS, Presented by the Secretariat.​18/10/21
​IP/09​4​Operationalization of CPDLC in Continental Airspace in Brazil (disponible únicamente en inglés), Presented by Brazil.​14/10/21​--
​NI/10​  3.2​Actualización informativa sobre actividades de ALACPA 2020-2021 (available only in Spanish), Presented by ALACPA . ​22/10/21--​
​NI/113.2​​Informe sobre las actividades adelantadas por el Comité Regional CAR/SAM de Prevención del Peligro Aviario y Fauna-CARSAMPAF (available only in Spanish), Presented by CARSAMPAF.​22/10/21--​
​NI/12​4​Implementación de la Vigilancia Dependiente Automática – Radiodifusión (ADS-B) en el Espacio Aéreo Superior de la Región de Información de Vuelo (FIR) Centroamérica (available only in Spanish), Presented by COCESNA.​22/10/21​--
​IP/13​3.2​NAM/CAR Regional Airspace Optimization Team, Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
​IP/14​3.2​New Scheme to Improve Communications for States at the Interface of the CAR and SAM Regions, Presented by the Secretariat.​25/10/21
NI/15​​3.2​Implementación del CDM y A-CDM en Uruguay,  Presented by Uruguay.26/10/21--​
​NI/162​​Estatus de las Recomendaciones 3 y 12 del CART en los Estados SAM, Presented by the Secretariat.













4Presentación ACI-LAC, Presented by ACI-LAC.28/10/21--



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