Strategic Objective — Economic Development of Air Transport — Implementation of Resolutions of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

Implementation of Resolutions of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)

Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System

ICAO Aviation Data

Joint Financing Agreements

Cooperation with Other United Nations Bodies and International Organizations

Outreach and Awareness Activities

Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Work

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)



Implementation of Resolutions of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations


Pursuant to Assembly Resolution A38-14, “Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies in the air transport field”, ICAO developed a long-term vision for international air transport liberalization and a set of core principles on consumer protection, with the assistance of the Air Transport Regulation Panel (ATRP). These were adopted by the Council in June, and subsequently disseminated as guidance to Member States, which were requested to provide feedback on the application, in their practices, of the long-term vision and core principles.


As part of the follow-up work to the Sixth Worldwide Air Transport Conference (ATConf/6, March 2013) mandated by governing bodies, the ATRP held its 13th meeting in September (ATRP/13) and produced recommendations on several tasks, including on the development of international agreements for liberalization of market access, air cargo and air carrier ownership and control. The panel established a working group to undertake further work in developing draft texts of the agreements, which was progressing and expected to continue in 2016.


In implementing the ATConf/6 recommendation on competition, the Secretariat produced research and analysis material on this subject to facilitate the work of the panel. An updated online compendium of existing competition policies and practices in force nationally or regionally was also completed and made available on the ICAO website. The coverage of the compendium was expanded, based on feedback from a survey of States, and provides country-specific information.


ICAO continued to provide an exchange forum for States and aviation stakeholders to discuss competition issues, through such meetings as the ICAO Air Services Negotiation (ICAN) events. The aim was to promote dialogue and cooperation between competition and air transport authorities, and concerned industry stakeholders, and to foster regulatory convergence and compatibility.


As part of the implementation of ATConf/6 recommendations, ICAO continued its activities in facilitating liberalization of air transport, especially in the area of air cargo services. As a follow-up to the ICAO Meeting on Air Cargo Development in Africa, held in August 2014 in Lomé, Togo, the Secretariat developed an online secure portal, the State Air Transport Action Plan System (SATAPS), which is designed to assist States in monitoring and implementing the “Declaration on the Development of Air Cargo in Africa” (7 August 2014) as well as the “Declaration on the Sustainable Development of Air Transport in Africa” (27 March 2015). To further assist States, a dedicated page was created on ICAO’s website to centralize such declarations, as well as similar high-level documents.


Continuing efforts were made by various means, such as State letters and global and regional meetings, to promote State adherence to international conventions and agreements, including the International Air Services Transit Agreement (IASTA), and the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, adopted in Montréal on 28 May 1999 (Montréal Convention of 1999).


ICAO also participated actively in the activities of the Global Travel Coalition Association (GTAC), a cooperative initiative launched by a group of leading governmental and private organizations from the travel and tourism sectors. The aim of the group was to promote a better understanding of the role of the travel and tourism sector as a driver of economic growth, employment and sustainable development.


Sixth ICAO Air Transport Conference

Togo Air Cargo Development Forum

Madagascar Air Transport Meeting


ICAO Competition Compendium

Air Transport Declarations and Statements

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