Strategic Objective — Economic Development of Air Transport — Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)

Implementation of Resolutions of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)

Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System

ICAO Aviation Data

Joint Financing Agreements

Cooperation with Other United Nations Bodies and International Organizations

Outreach and Awareness Activities

Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Work

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)



Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


During 2015, there were 12 national and no regional active technical cooperation projects related to the economic development of air transport. A short summary includes:


Africa-Indian Ocean (AFI) Region  


•​ ​Continued assistance to one State in the collection of en-route air navigation charges.

Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region 


•​​ Assistance to one State in the preparation of a Concession Agreement for an international airport.​

Europe and Middle East (EUR/MID) Region 


​•​ Provision of legal expertise to one State on several international legal instruments and matters relating to the civil aviation sector.​

Technical assistance projects and activities
During 2015, there were no national or regional active technical assistance projects related to the economic development of air transport.

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