New and Emerging Activities — Unmanned aerial system Traffic Management (UTM)

Unmanned aerial system Traffic Management (UTM)


UAS traffic management is a concept that brings an automated ATM-like system to very low level airspace which will be occupied primarily by unmanned aircraft weighing less than 25 kgs (commonly referred to as drones). Development of this concept is underway in many States, at universities and by large aviation corporations and new start-up tech companies.


In response to a request by the 39th Session of the Assembly to add all unmanned aircraft to the ICAO work programme, DRONE ENABLE, ICAO's Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Industry Symposium, was held in September. This was a new approach to bringing mature subject matter to the attention of States, industry and ICAO. The symposium was held in Montréal and attended by 429 participants. Symposium speakers were selected by an international group based on submissions to a request for information issued by ICAO. The focus was on UAS traffic management (UTM) and fundamental requirements needed for implementation, these being registration, identification and tracking; communications systems; and geo-fencing like systems.

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