ICAO Environmental Tools
The first version of the ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT) and its technical methodologies were made available on the ICAO public website in August 2018. CORSIA CERT simplifies the estimation and reporting of CO2 emissions from international flights for aeroplane operators with low levels of activity, and helps these operators fulfil their monitoring and reporting requirements under CORSIA.
ICAO’s Carbon Emissions Calculator continued to be extensively used worldwide as the reference assessment tool for the calculation of air travel CO2 emissions. Both the Carbon and Green Meetings Calculators continued to be improved by updating their databases and methodology to apply the best available industry data to take account of factors such as aircraft type, routing and payload.
The ICAO Fuel Savings Estimation Tool (IFSET), which has been developed to assist States to estimate fuel savings in a consistent manner, and to help States in the assessment of the environmental benefits accrued by operational measures contained in the Global Air Navigation Plan, has been continuously maintained in order to ensure the highest possible quality level for users.
The Environmental Benefits Tool (EBT), which aims to assist States in understanding the benefits of CO2 mitigation measures as part of the ICAO State Action Plan initiative, has been continuously maintained in order to ensure the highest possible quality level for users.
The Aviation Environmental System (AES), developed under the ICAO-European Union joint assistance project, to facilitate the establishment of emissions inventories and periodic reporting to ICAO of CO2 emissions from international aviation, has been further improved based on the feedback of users and the evolution of ICAO’s recommendations and reporting requirements.
The Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) Tool, developed through the partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the European Union (EU) respectively, will assist in the assessment of the costs and benefits associated with the implementation of aviation low emissions measures in developing States and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Through this tool States will be able to compare the cost and benefits of different measures using local tailored data, and will be able to select and prioritize their mitigation measures based on this cost-benefit analysis. This new tool is complementary to the tools that have already been developed by ICAO to assist States in better understanding the benefits of mitigation measures (e.g. the Environmental Benefits Tool (EBT)) and in producing their action plans. This tool will be made available to State Action Plan Focal Points soon.