Progress on ICAO’s Strategic Objectives and Global Plans — Security and Facilitation — Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions

Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions


In September 2021, the ICAO Secretariat, together with the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), briefed the ICAO Council on the ICAO Contribution to the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Strategy, underlining the importance of, and the Organization’s continued commitment to, an “All of UN” approach in implementing the Strategy. ICAO is committed to continuing to work with the United Nations and other relevant organizations in the implementation of the Strategy within the scope of its mandate and the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact.


ICAO continued to collaborate with the CTED, providing experts to participate in CTED assessment missions and other activities led by the CTED and Compact’s Working Groups.


ICAO also collaborated with UNOCT on projects such as the United Nations Countering Terrorist Travel Programme, the United Nations Programme on Threat Assessment Models (TAM Programme) and other UNOCT projects dedicated to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), cybersecurity and the protection of critical infrastructure and soft targets.

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