ICAO/ACI Wildlife Strike Hazard Reduction Symposium

ICAO/ACI Wildlife Strike Hazard Reduction Symposium

16 - 18 May 2017
Montréal, Canada
Assembly Hall, ICAO Headquarters
Registration is closed
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What's New

​We will be welcoming Jeff Skiles, First Officer of "the Miracle on the Hudson." , on opening day!


Onsite Registration and Badge Collection Hours:


Monday         15 May   from 1400 to 1700 hours

Tuesday      ​  16 May   from 0730 to 1000 hours

Wednesday  17 May   from 0800 to 0930 hours

Thursday      18 May   from 0830 to 0930 hours​

Registration will remain on call thereafter.

​A Global Strategy for Addressing Wildlife Strike Hazard to Aviation


This joint International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) / Airports Council International (ACI) Wildlife Strike Hazard Reduction Symposium aims at increasing the international awareness of the wildlife strike threat to aircraft operational safety; building an international community to exchange ideas, experiences and cooperative efforts to better manage wildlife strike hazard on and in the vicinity of airports; and advancing new technologies and formulating effective strategies in preventing and mitigating the risk of wildlife strikes to aircraft. The event will also be an opportunity for networking, collaboration and coordination between States, industry and other stakeholders.


An industry exhibit will showcase the breadth of existing and emerging technologies, and research and development activities of this industry sector. ​


The symposium will be held in English only.​


Intended Outcomes 

  • ​Increasing international awareness of the wildlife strike threat to aircraft operational safety.

  • Strengthening implementation of ICAO SARPs on wildlife control and reduction and application of guidance material.

  • Exchange of best practices for wildlife management programmes and techniques. 

  • Exploration of new technologies to minimize the risk of wildlife strikes. 

  • Understanding of the roles of existing bird strike committees.

  • Enhancement of wildlife strike reporting. 

  • Formulation of global strategies to address wildlife strike hazards.​
