In view of the Recommendation 14 of Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) High-Level Cover Document, and the guidance contained in the updated Take-Off Guidance Document (TOGD), States are strongly encouraged to implement Public Heath Corridors (PHCs).
A PHC is formed when two or more States agree to mutually recognize the implemented public health mitigation measures on one or more routes between their States. To enable such mutual recognition, States are strongly encouraged to actively collaborate and share information with other States and enter into bilateral or multilateral discussions with each other to implement PHCs in a harmonized manner and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
To support States with the implementation of PHCs, ICAO developed the Implementation Package (iPack) Establishing a PHC. The iPack includes associated procedures and relevant tools that will be regularly updated in view of the latest scientific developments, such as:
For more information please visit
Establishing a Public Health Corridor - iPACK.