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Cabin Crew Training Solutions Roadmap

The training solutions provided in the Cabin Crew Training Solutions Roadmap below:

  • Present training options that are adapted according to:
      • The duration for which the cabin crew has experienced limited/modified training.
      • The cabin crew member's absence from flying.
  • Respect the competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) principles and are applicable to both traditional training and CBTA training methodologies.

  • Should be assessed by the operator's safety management system to ensure that the training options are suitable to the operator's cabin crew population and, where necessary, complemented.





Cabin crew affected by alleviations on recurrent training

Complete all theoretical items that may be covered in the online recurrent training programme

As per current recurrent training cycle

Refer to the list of theoretical items, as presented in Table 2-1 of Doc 10148

Complete of all deferred hands-on and simulated exercises

Once alleviation expires

Refer to the list of critical items, as presented in Table 2-1 of Doc 10148

Defer of other training items

Next recurrent training cycle

Refer to the list of other items, as presented in Table 2-1 of Doc 10148

Cabin crew or those whose qualifications have lapsed as a result of furlough/prolonged absence from flying the line

Complete required training, including recurrent or requalification training, as applicable


Prior to resuming duties as cabin crew

Refer to Chapter 1 (Sections 1.10/1.11/1.12 and Appendix 1) of Doc 10002, Ed 2

Cabin crew instructors and cabin crew evaluators affected by the alleviation

Complete all deferred training to maintain instructor/evaluator qualification

Once alleviation expires

Refer to Section 3.2 of Doc 10148


Develop and implement a "return to normal operations plan" to manage the completion of recurrent training, as per the approved training programme, by each cabin crew member affected by the alleviation

Prior to alleviation expiry

Refer to Section 3.3 of Doc 10148

Maintain a "COVID-19 online training programme" for cabin crew


Refer to Table 3-1 of Doc 10148

Maintain a records management process to keep track of all cabin crew members, cabin crew instructors and cabin crew evaluators affected by alleviations and to log completion of alleviated portions of training


Refer to Chapter 14 (Section 14.9) of Doc 10002, Ed 2

Operator (with State support)

Provide access to training facilities, including representative training devices (e.g. cabin simulator) necessary for cabin crew training, taking into consideration adherence to public health-related guidelines when reopening such facilities.

Once alleviation expires

Chapter 15 (Section 15.3) of Doc 10002, Ed 2


Allow the operator to maintain alternative means of training delivery (e.g. e-learning) to remain only for theoretical items of online recurrent training programme, for all cabin crew.

As per current recurrent training cycle

Refer to the list of theoretical items, as presented in Table 2-1 of Doc 10148

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