
Eighteenth Meeting of the Meteorology Sub-group (MET SG/18) of APANPIRG
(ICAO Regional Sub-Office, Beijing, China, 18-21 August 2014)
collapse Type Name : 2014 METSG18 ‎(61)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(2)
Group 1.jpgGroup PhotoGroup 121 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
Final Report of MET SG18.pdfReport of MET/SG 18Final Report of MET SG1824 Sept. 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(5)
AP082-14-MET.pdfLetter of invitationAP082-14-MET10 Jun. 2014Secretariat 
IP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin.pdfMeeting BulletinIP01_ICAO - Meeting Bulletin10 Jun. 2014Secretariat 
WP-IP Template.docWP/IP TemplateWP-IP Template10 Jun. 2014Secretariat 
Order of Presentations.pdfOreder of PresentationsOrder of Presentations18 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
Order_of_Business v3.pdfOrder of Business (Revised 19/08/14)Order_of_Business v319 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(24)
WP01_ICAO - Revisied Provisional Agenda.pdfWP/01WP/01 - Provisional Agenda (Revised 13/08/14)WP01_ICAO - Revisied Provisional Agenda13 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP02_ICAO AI. 4 - Follow up MET SG-17 and APANPIRG-24.pdfWP/02Follow-up from MET SG/17 and APANPIRG/24WP02_ICAO AI. 4 - Follow up MET SG-17 and APANPIRG-2415 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP03_Chair of MET-R TF AI. 4 - Report of MET-ATM Seminar and MET-R-TF3.pdfWP/03Report of MET/ATM Seminar 2013 and MET/R TF/3 MeetingWP03_Chair of MET-R TF AI. 4 - Report of MET-ATM Seminar and MET-R-TF313 Aug. 2014Chairman, MET/R TF 
WP04_Chair of ROBEX WG AI.4 - ROBEX WG Report.pdfWP/04ROBEX Working Group ReportWP04_Chair of ROBEX WG AI.4 - ROBEX WG Report06 Aug. 2014Chairman, ROBEX WG 
WP05_ICAO AI. 4 - Report on MET-H-TF4.pdfWP/05Report on MET/H TF/4WP05_ICAO AI. 4 - Report on MET-H-TF406 Aug. 2014Secretariat on behalf of the Chairman of the MET/H TF 
WP06_ICAO AI  4 - Review outcomes of ATM-SG-2.pdfWP/06Review outcomes of the Second Meeting of the ATM Sub-group of APANPIRGWP06_ICAO AI 4 - Review outcomes of ATM-SG-217 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP07_ICAO AI. 5 - Air Navigation Report Forms.pdfWP/07Air Navigation Reporting Forms, Seamless Reporting and Monitoring of Regional ProgressWP07_ICAO AI. 5 - Air Navigation Report Forms15 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP08_ICAO AI. 5 - Regional Priorities and Targets.pdfWP/08Review Regional Priorities and TargetsWP08_ICAO AI. 5 - Regional Priorities and Targets15 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP09_ICAO AI  5 - Updates to OPMET related FASID tables.pdfWP/09Updates to OPMET Related FASID TablesWP09_ICAO AI 5 - Updates to OPMET related FASID tables17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP10_ICAO AI 5 - Review ANP Template.pdfWP/10Review New Regional ANP TemplateWP10_ICAO AI 5 - Review ANP Template15 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP11_ICAO AI. 6 - Review APAC MET Deficiencies.pdfWP/11Review APAC MET DeficienciesWP11_ICAO AI. 6 - Review APAC MET Deficiencies17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP12_IATA AI. 6 - OPMET Data Deficiencies.pdfWP/12OPMET DATA DeficienciesWP12_IATA AI. 6 - OPMET Data Deficiencies06 Aug. 2014IATA 
WP13_WAFC Provider States AI. 7.1 - Summary of WAFS.pdfWP/13Summary of Recent and Forthcoming Developments to the WAFSWP13_WAFC Provider States AI. 7.1 - Summary of WAFS06 Aug. 2014WAFC Provider States 
WP14_SADIS Provider AI.7.1 - Summary of SADIS.pdfWP/14Summary of Recent and Forthcoming Developments to the SADISWP14_SADIS Provider AI.7.1 - Summary of SADIS06 Aug. 2014SADIS Provider 
WP15_JPN AI 7.4 - Regional Advisory System in ASIA-PAC Region.pdfWP/15Regional Advisory System in Asia and Pacific RegionsWP15_JPN AI 7.4 - Regional Advisory System in ASIA-PAC Region13 Aug. 2014Japan 
WP16_JPN AI. 7.6 - Proposal for Regional VA Exercise.pdfWP/16Proposal for Regional Volcanic Ash ExerciseWP16_JPN AI. 7.6 - Proposal for Regional VA Exercise13 Aug. 2014Japan 
WP17_IATA AI. 7.5 - OPMET Data Monitoring.pdfWP/17IATA OPMET Data MonitoringWP17_IATA AI. 7.5 - OPMET Data Monitoring06 Aug. 2014IATA 
WP18_ICAO AI  7 5 - Capacity building for implementation of digital exchange (2).pdfWP/18Capacity Building to Foster the Implementation of Digital ExchangeWP18_ICAO AI 7 5 - Capacity building for implementation of digital exchange (2)17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP19_ICAO AI  8 - Review new SIGMET Guide template.pdfWP/19Review New SIGMET Guide TemplateWP19_ICAO AI 8 - Review new SIGMET Guide template17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP20_ICAO AI  8 -  Review updates to ROBEX Handbook.pdfWP/20Review Updates to ROBEX Handbook WP20_ICAO AI 8 - Review updates to ROBEX Handbook17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP21_ICAO AI  8 -  Review OPMET Data Banks Interface Control Document.pdfWP/21Review OPMET Data Banks Interface Control DocumentWP21_ICAO AI 8 - Review OPMET Data Banks Interface Control Document17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP22_ICAO AI  9 -  Proposal for APAC MET-ATM Seminar.pdfWP/22Proposal for APAC MET/ATM SeminarWP22_ICAO AI 9 - Proposal for APAC MET-ATM Seminar17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP23_ICAO AI  10 - Review future work programme of the MET SG.pdfWP/23Review Future Work Programme of the MET SGWP23_ICAO AI 10 - Review future work programme of the MET SG17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
WP24_ICAO AI  11 - Review APAC MET contact lists.pdfWP/24Review APAC [MET] Contact ListsWP24_ICAO AI 11 - Review APAC MET contact lists17 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(29)
IP01_ICAO AI. 3 - Outcomes of 12th AN Conf.pdfIP/01Review Outcomes of the Twelfth Air Navigation ConferenceIP01_ICAO AI. 3 - Outcomes of 12th AN Conf07 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP02_ICAO AI. 3 - MET Divisional 2014.pdfIP/02Review Outcomes of the ICAO Meteorology Divisional Meeting 2014IP02_ICAO AI. 3 - MET Divisional 201407 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP03_ICAO AI. 3 - Rev. Review outcomes of WAFSOPSG-8.pdfIP/03Review Outcomes of WAFSOPSG/8IP03_ICAO AI. 3 - Rev. Review outcomes of WAFSOPSG-809 Sept. 14Secretariat 
IP04_ICAO AI. 3 - Review outcomes of SADISOPSG18-19.pdfIP/04Review Outcomes of SADISOPSG/18 and SADISOPSG/19IP04_ICAO AI. 3 - Review outcomes of SADISOPSG18-1907 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP05_ICAO AI. 3 - Review outcomes of AMOFSG-10.pdfIP/05Review Outcomes of AMOFSG/10IP05_ICAO AI. 3 - Review outcomes of AMOFSG-1007 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP06_ICAO AI. 3 - Outcome of IAVWOPSG-8.pdfIP/06Review Outcomes of IAVWOPSG/8IP06_ICAO AI. 3 - Outcome of IAVWOPSG-815 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP07_ICAO AI. 3 - Outcomes of METWSG-5.pdfIP/07Review Outcomes of METWSG/5IP07_ICAO AI. 3 - Outcomes of METWSG-515 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP08_ICAO AI. 4 - Report of 50th DGCA.pdfIP/08Report on 50th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Asia and Pacific RegionsIP08_ICAO AI. 4 - Report of 50th DGCA15 Aug. 2014Secretariat 
IP09_Chairman WAFS AI. 4 - Update of WAFS Service Ref. Document.pdfIP/09Update of WAFS Service Reference DocumentIP09_Chairman WAFS AI. 4 - Update of WAFS Service Ref. Document05 Aug. 2014Chairman, WAFS TF 
IP10_Chairman WAFS AI. 4 - Update Work Plan of TF.pdfIP/10Update of Work Plan of WAFS TFIP10_Chairman WAFS AI. 4 - Update Work Plan of TF05 Aug. 2014Chairman, WAFS TF 
IP13_Chairman WAFS AI. 4 - Regional Progress in WAFS Implementation.pdfIP/13Regional Progress in WAFS ImplementationIP13_Chairman WAFS AI. 4 - Regional Progress in WAFS Implementation05 Aug. 2014Chairman, WAFS TF 
IP14_Chairman WAFS AI. 7.1 - WAFS Questionaire.pdfIP/14Survey on Operational Use of Services and Products from Service Providers of WAFS in Asia/Pacific Region and WAFS Training Needs of Asia/Pacific StatesIP14_Chairman WAFS AI. 7.1 - WAFS Questionaire05 Aug. 2014Chairman, WAFS TF 
IP15_HKG AI. 7.1 - Verification of WAFS Gridded Forecast.pdfIP/15Verification of the Harmonized WAFS Gridded Forecast of CAT PotentialIP15_HKG AI. 7.1 - Verification of WAFS Gridded Forecast05 Aug. 2014Hong Kong, China 
IP16_WIFS Provider State AI. 7.1 - WIFS Accounts.pdfIP/16WIFS AccountsIP16_WIFS Provider State AI. 7.1 - WIFS Accounts06 Aug. 2014WIFS Provider State 
IP17_AUS AI.7.4 - VAAC Darwin Management.pdfIP/17VAAC Darwin Management ReportIP17_AUS AI.7.4 - VAAC Darwin Management06 Aug. 2014Australia 
IP18_JPN AI. 7.4 - Volcanic Ash Exercise in Kamchatka - VOLKAM14.pdfIP/18Outcomes of Volcanic Ash Exercise in Kamchatka in 2014 (VOLKAM14)IP18_JPN AI. 7.4 - Volcanic Ash Exercise in Kamchatka - VOLKAM1406 Aug. 2014Japan 
IP19_IDN and AUS AI.8.4 - Volcanic Ash Information.pdfIP/19Coordination of Volcanic Ash InformationIP19_IDN and AUS AI.8.4 - Volcanic Ash Information06 Aug. 2014Indonesia and Australia 
IP21_WIFS Provider State AI. 7.5 - WAFS Internet File Service.pdfIP/21Overview of the WAFS Internet File Service OPMET DataIP21_WIFS Provider State AI. 7.5 - WAFS Internet File Service06 Aug. 2014WIFS Provider State 
IP22_USA AI. 7.5 - SWIM Test and Demonstration.pdfIP/22SWIM Test and DemonstrationIP22_USA AI. 7.5 - SWIM Test and Demonstration06 Aug. 2014USA 
IP23_USA AI. 7.9 - Provision of Global Space Weather Information.pdfIP/23The Provision of Global Space Weather Information in Support of International Air NavigationIP23_USA AI. 7.9 - Provision of Global Space Weather Information13 Aug. 2014USA 
IP24_JPN AI. 7.9 - Himawari Next Generation of MET Satellite.pdfIP/24HIMAWARI-8/9 – Japan’s Next Generation of Geostationary Meteorological SatelliteIP24_JPN AI. 7.9 - Himawari Next Generation of MET Satellite13 Aug. 2014Japan 
IP26_AUS AI. 7.5 - Status and Plans for IWXXM.pdfIP/26Status and Plans for IWXXM in AustraliaIP26_AUS AI. 7.5 - Status and Plans for IWXXM13 Aug. 2014Australia 
IP27_AUS AI 7.8 - QMS in South West Pacific.pdfIP/27Quality Management Training Activities in the South West PacificIP27_AUS AI 7.8 - QMS in South West Pacific13 Aug. 2014Australia 
IP28_AUS AI. 7.8 - Competency Assessment Programme.pdfIP/28Competency Assessment Programme for Aviation Forecasters in AustraliaIP28_AUS AI. 7.8 - Competency Assessment Programme13 Aug. 2014Australia 
IP29_CHN AI. 7.4 - Support the issuance of hazardous weather advisory.pdfIP/29Enhanced Capability to Support the Issuance of Regional Hazardous Weather AdvisoryIP29_CHN AI. 7.4 - Support the issuance of hazardous weather advisory17 Aug. 2014China 
IP29 PPT - Nowcasting of Severe Convective Weather in CMA.pdfIP/29 (A)Nowcasting of Severe Convective Weather in CMAIP29 PPT - Nowcasting of Severe Convective Weather in CMA20 Aug. 2014China 
IP30_CHN AI. 7.9 - Space Weather Services.pdfIP/30The China Space Weather Services for Civil AviationIP30_CHN AI. 7.9 - Space Weather Services17 Aug. 2014China 
IP31_JPN AI. 7.6 - Development of ATM-Tailored MET Information.pdfIP/31The Need for Development of ATM-Tailored Meteorological Information for Approach Control AreasIP31_JPN AI. 7.6 - Development of ATM-Tailored MET Information14 Aug. 2014Japan 
IP32_JPN AI. 7.6 - Potential Use of the weather impact ratio WXIR in future ATM.pdfIP/32Potential Use of the Weather Impact Ratio (WXIR) in Future ATMIP32_JPN AI. 7.6 - Potential Use of the weather impact ratio WXIR in future ATM14 Aug. 2014Japan 
collapse Category : Flimsy ‎(1)
Flimsy 01 - APAC Volcanic Ash Exercise Steering Group.pdfFlimsy 01Proposal for Regional Volcanic Ash ExerciseFlimsy 01 - APAC Volcanic Ash Exercise Steering Group20 Aug. 2014Secretariat 

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