Fourth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Requirements Task Force (MET/R/TF4)
 (Tokyo, Japan, 2-3 July 2015)
collapse Type Name : 2015 MET-R-TF4 ‎(19)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
Final Report of MET Seminar and MET R TF-4.pdfFinal Report of MET/ATM Seminar 2015 & MET/R TF/4Final Report of MET Seminar and MET R TF-404 Jul. 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(6)
AP067 - ATT. B - Provisional Programme for MET-R TF-4.pdfProvisional Agenda for MET/R TF/4AP067 - ATT. B - Provisional Programme for MET-R TF-421 Apr. 2015Secretariat 
AP067 - ATT. C - Meeting Bulletin (revised 20150420).pdfMeeting BulletinAP067 - ATT. C - Meeting Bulletin (revised 20150420)21 Apr. 2015Secretariat 
WP-IP template.docxWP-IP TemplateWP-IP template06 May 2015Secretariat 
AP067-15-MET.pdfLetter of InvitationAP067-15-MET21 Apr. 2015Secretariat 
AP067 - ATT. D - Nomination Form.pdfNomination FormAP067 - ATT. D - Nomination Form21 Apr. 2015Secretariat 
MET-R TF4.pdfGroup PhotoMET-R TF414 Jul. 2015Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(7)
WP01_ICAO - Adoption of Agenda.pdfWP/01Adoption of AgendaWP01_ICAO - Adoption of Agenda29 Jun. 2015Secretariat 
WP02_ICAO AI.1 - Review TOR.pdfWP/02Review the Terms of Reference of the Meteorological Requirements Task ForceWP02_ICAO AI.1 - Review TOR29 Jun. 2015Secretariat 
WP03_ICAO AI. 2 - Review previous meeting MET R TF-3.pdfWP/03Review of the Third Meeting of the Meteorological Requirements Task ForceWP03_ICAO AI. 2 - Review previous meeting MET R TF-302 Jul. 2015Secretariat 
WP04_ICAO AI. 2 - Review outcomes from 2015 MET-ATM Seminar.pdfWP/04Review of MET/ATM Seminar 2015WP04_ICAO AI. 2 - Review outcomes from 2015 MET-ATM Seminar02 Jul. 2015Secretariat 
WP06_SIN AI. 3 - MET-ATM collaboration.pdfWP/06Meteorological and Air Traffic Management Collaboration in SingaporeWP06_SIN AI. 3 - MET-ATM collaboration26 Jun. 2015Singapore 
WP07_ICAO AI.4 - MET Products to support ATM and ATFM version 2 Clean.pdfWP/07MET Information to support ATM and ATFMWP07_ICAO AI.4 - MET Products to support ATM and ATFM version 2 Clean25 Jun. 2015Secretariat 
WP08_ JPN AI. 4 - Development of regional guidance for ATM-tailored meteorological services.pdfWP/08Development of Regional Guidance for ATM-tailored Meteorological ServicesWP08_ JPN AI. 4 - Development of regional guidance for ATM-tailored meteorological services26 Jun. 2015Japan 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(4)
IP01_AUS AI.4 - MET Service for ATM.pdfIP/01Australian Aviation Weather Services for Air Traffic ManagementIP01_AUS AI.4 - MET Service for ATM25 Jun. 2015Australia 
IP02_AUS AI.4 - Collaborative Decision Making.pdfIP/02Collaborative Decision MakingIP02_AUS AI.4 - Collaborative Decision Making25 Jun. 2015Australia 
IP03_CHN AI.4 - Meteorological Services in Support of Massive Delay Response System.pdfIP/03Meteorological Services in Support of Massive Delay Response SystemIP03_CHN AI.4 - Meteorological Services in Support of Massive Delay Response System30 Jun. 2015China 
IP04_CHN AI.4 - Development of Meteorological Services for the Terminal Area in China.pdfIP/04Development of Meteorological Services for the Terminal Area in ChinaIP04_CHN AI.4 - Development of Meteorological Services for the Terminal Area in China30 Jun. 2015China 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(1)
SP01- SIN AI. 3 - MET-ATM Collaboration in Singapore.pdfSP/01Meteorological and Air Traffic Management Collaboration in SingaporeSP01- SIN AI. 3 - MET-ATM Collaboration in Singapore02 Jul. 2015Singapore 

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