APAC Webinars - Workshops and Seminars

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Welcome to the ICAO APAC Workshops, Seminars, and Webinars webpage. In order to support the Member States and provide information and guidance on the ANS/Flight Safety-related implementation, ICAO APAC is hosting a series of events such as workshops, seminars, and webinars. This webpage contained all information related to various events. 

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Airspace Concept Validation WebinarSharing knowledge, experience and benefits gained using validation tools, to support decision-making process12 January 2022Video Teleconference21 
CCO/CDO WebinarCCO/CDO ImplementationCancelled Video Teleconference20 
Safety Culture WorkshopICAO APAC Safety Culture “Safety is MY Business” Webinar27 - 28 October 2021Video Teleconference19 
ICAO/JCAB GRF WebinarICAO/JCAB GRF Webinar – Sharing Japan's Experience on Preparation for Implementing GRF focusing on Winter Operations  24 September 2021Video teleconference18 
RECAT WebinarWake Turbulence Re-categorization (RECAT) Webinar22 September 2021Video Teleconference17 
ICAO/AAWHG WHM WebinarICAO/AAWHG WHM Webinar – Wildlife Risk Assessments14 September 2021Video teleconference16 
ADS-B WebinarImplementation of ADS-B1 September 2021Video Teleconference15 
GRF WebinarPractical Solutions to Challenges in Implementing Global Reporting Format (GRF) in Asia/Pacific Region30 August 2021Video Teleconference14 
SAP ENV and CORSIA WebinarState Action Plan Initiative on CO2 Emissions Reduction in APAC Region and Implementation of CORSIA19 August 2021Video Teleconference13 
2021 Joint ICAO-WFP 1st Virtual Aviation Safety CampaignJoint ICAO and WFP Aviation Safety Campaign Webinar on "Regional Cooperation during COVID-19 Crisis and Business Continuity Challenges" 12 August 2021 Video Teleconference12 
Future MET WebinarFuture Aeronautical Meteorological Service 5 August 2021Video Teleconference11 
CRV WebinarImplementation of CRV in APAC region20 July 2021Video Teleconference10 
SSP and SMS implementation WebinarSharing experience and challenges in the Implementation of SSP and SMS in the region (AP-RASP Goal for 2022)8 July 2021Video Teleconference09 
SWIM WorkshopSWIM Workshop6 - 7 July 2021Video Teleconference08 
NASP Development GuidanceGuidance for the states on the development of their NASP1 July 2021Video Teleconference07 
ATM Safety Assessment WorkshopATM Safety Assessment Workshop23 - 25 June 2021Video Teleconference06 
Special air-reports WebinarSpecial Air-Reports needed by MET to Support Flight Safety17 June 2021Video Teleconference05 
Cyber Security WebinarICAO Asia/Pacific Regional Cybersecurity Webinar14 June 2021Video Teleconference04 
AIA establishment WebinarSharing Regional experience and challenges in the establishment of Independent Accident Investigation Authority (AIA)10 June 2021Video Teleconference03 
NOTAM Proliferation WebinarICAO Asia/Pacific Region Webinar on NOTAM Proliferation7 June 2021Video Conference02 
SIMS WebinarSafety Information Monitoring Systems (SIMS) Subscription and use by the regional states6 May 2021Video Teleconference01 


 For further information please contact:

Mr. Hiroyuki Takata 

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