Aeronautical Message Handling System Workshop, Chiang Mai (Thailand) 21 to 23 January, 2008
In accordance with APANPIRG Conclusion 18/27, a Workshop on Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS), hosted by AEROTHAI, was organized at Chiang Mai, Thailand from 21 to 23 January, 2008.
The Workshop was aimed at providing information and guidance on issues related to implementation of AMHS to support harmonized and timely implementation of ATN in the region. 98 participants from 17 States, 1 International Organization and 11 Industry Partners attended the workshop. Presentations were made by the subject experts on critical implementation issues such as, Directory Service, AMC, AMHS Addressing Schemes, Performance Requirements, Operational Procedures, Service Enhancements, Certification and Validation etc.. Representatives from Industry Partners introduced their products and highlighted the significant attributes of their systems. Arrangements were made for the demonstration of actual product by the Industry Partners, where in the participants interacted with the representatives of the suppliers to better understand the technical/operational options available. Almost all the suppliers confirmed that their systems supported dual stack operations and had some security attributes built into their systems. The workshop showed a keen interest on issues related to security, interoperability and performance testing.