APIRG/25 Session |
Agenda item 1: Adoption of the Draft Agenda and Meeting Work Programme
| Adoption of provisional Agenda and Work Programme
Agenda Item 2: Follow-up on the APIRG/24 Conclusions and Decisions
| Review of the status of implementation of APIRG/24 Conclusions and Decisions
| Review of the outcomes of the APCC/7 Meeting
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Agenda item 3:Implementation of Air Navigation goals, Targets and Indicators, including the priorities set in the regional air navigation plan
| Outcomes of the fifth Airspace and Aerodrome Operations Sub-Group Meeting (AAO/SG5)
| Report of The AAO/SG5 Meeting (Virtual)
| Appendix 2: Status of Implementation of APIRG 24 Conclusions and Decisions applicale to AAO SG
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| Appendix 3: ATM-SAR ASBU Elements Applicable in AFI
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| Appendix 4: AOP ASBU Elements Applicable in AFI
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| Appendix 5: ASBU data collection tool template
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| Appendix 6: ATM Master Plan Project Managment Team
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| Appendix 7: AFI ATM Master Plan Project Management team Report Future CONOPS
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| Appendix 8 and 9: Membership and Revised AFI Regional ATM Contingency Plan Version 3
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| Appendix 10: AFI FRA PMT Concept for AFI - English 2nd edtion
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| Appendix 11: ASCAAR Project Report
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| Appendix 12: Report of the Report of The Air Traffic Services Competency Study (ATSCS)
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| Appendix 13: Report Training and Qualification of AGA Technical Staff Regulators and Airport Operators
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| Appendix 14: Terms of Reference of AAO/SG
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| Appendix 15: Tentative Work Programme 2022 -2023
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| Appendix 16: List of Draft Conclusions and Decisions of AAO/SG5
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| Outcome of the Fifth meeting of the APIRG Infrastructure and Information Management Sub-Group (IIM/SG5)
| Appendix 1: Report - Fifth Meeting of the APIRG IIM/SG
| Appendix 2: Identified ASBU elements applicable to AFI region in CNS
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| Appendix 3: ASBU applicable elements in AIM
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| Appendix 4: ASBU elements applicable to AFI region in MET
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| Appendix 5: ASBU Data collection Tool Template
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| Appendix 6: Revised AFI COM Projects 3, 4 and 5
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| Appendix 7A: Revised AFI MET Project 1
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| Appendix 7B: Revised AFI MET Project 2
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| Appendix 7C: Revised AFI MET Project 3
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| Appendix 8: AFI AIM Project 4 description
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| Appendix 9: AFI AIM Project 5 description
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| Appendix 10: IIM MET Project 4 Description
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| Appendix 11: IIM MET Project 5 Description
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| Appendix 12: Report- Outcomes of the the AFI VOLCEX-Steering Group
| |
| Appendix 13: Role and Responsibility of States NCPI (National Coordinator for Planning and Implementation) and Technical Focal Points (TFP
| |
| Appendix 14: Review of APIRG IIM/SG Work Programme for 2022/2023
| |
Agenda item 3:AFI Airspace Monitoring
| AFI and MID Region Large Height Deviations (LHD) 2022 - ARMA
| LHD FAQs (Large Height Deviation Frequently-Asked-Questions)
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| RVSM Data Challenges and Solutions - ARMA
| PBCS Implementation Guidelines - ARMA
Agenda item 3:Implementation of Air Navigation goals, Targets and Indicators, including the priorities set in the regional air navigation plan
| AFI Air Navigation Plan
| Appendix A - Draft AFI eANP VoL III-2022
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| AFI Air Navigation Deficiencies
| Appendix A: AAND Focal Points Official Nominations
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| Appendix B: AAND User Manual
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| Outcomes of the First Meeting of the Steering Group of the AFI Volcanic Ash Exercise (AFI VOLCEX/SG1)
| Appendix 1: Outcomes of the AFI VOLCEX-SG1
| Status of Implementation - CANSO Mombasa ATFM Roadmap
| AIDC Implementation in GHANA
| AFI Aeronautical Mobile Communication Survey
| ICAO location indicators for UTA
| OVFC (Overflight) Permission Processing Fees & Charges
| Progress on the implementation of GNSSSBAS in Africa
| Implementation of Ground/Ground Communication (AMHS and AFTN) in South Africa
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| Incorporate Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) in the APIRG Work Programme
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| Autonomous Distress Tracking (ADT) and Location of an Aircraft in Distress Repository (LADR)
| ADS-B mandate in the RVSM airspace of the AFI Region
| APIRG Annual Air Navigation Report
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| Agenda Item 4: Items of Coordination with RASG AFI
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| Agenda Item 5: Common implementation challenges and possible solutions
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| Agenda Item 6: Recommendations on actions or enhancements that would require consideration by the ANC and Council
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Agenda Item 7: Review and update of the Work Programme of APIRG and its Contributory Bodies
| Future Work Programme of the APIRG and its Contributory Bodies
| Hybrid ICAO meetings
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