Global Aviation Security Plan ( GASeP)

Europe and North Atlantic Aviation Security Roadmap 


The ICAO European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office organized the first Regional Conference on Aviation Security which was held in Lisbon, Portugal in May 2018, hosted by the Government of Portugal.


The Conference aimed to promote shared accountability for regional priorities, taking into account regional challenges and approaches to aviation security, threat and risk picture or regional infrastructure. Furthermore it was an excellent opportunity for networking and building consensus on critical priorities to set common goals and targets in tandem with the implementation of the ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP).


In line with the United Nations Security Council Resolution  2309 (2016) and ICAO Assembly Resolution A39-18, which affirm that aviation security remains one of  the highest priorities for States and the global international community, the GASeP was developed to provide for effective, risk-based security measures which reflect the continuously evolving threat to civil aviation. The GASeP aims to bring together all the relevant aviation security stakeholders to provide a collective effort in order to ensure that sustainable aviation security measures are effectively implemented globally, regionally and at the State level.


The Conference led to the endorsement of a Regional Roadmap for the EUR/NAT regions and the Conference declaration which affirmed all stakeholders' commitment to the implementation of the GASeP, with the aim to strengthen national and regional aviation security systems as a whole, and enhance the economic benefits to be derived from civil aviation as well as continue to promote the growth of the aviation industry within the region.


The ICAO EUR/NAT office continues to work with States and stakeholders to reach the aspirational regional targets set out in the regional roadmap.

A variety of regional events such as the yearly EUR/NAT AVSEC Group (ENAVSECG) meeting, diverse AVSEC workshops, training through the Aviation Security Training Center (ASTC) network  and the ENAVSECG subgroup on coordination of capacity building activities (ECHO initiative) contribute to strengthening national and regional aviation security systems in the frame of the GASeP and improving the level of aviation security in the entire region.  


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