Joint ACAO/IATA/ICAO Airports and Air Navigation Charges Workshop

Airports and Air Navigation Charges Workshop
(Rabat, Morocco, 27 - 28 November 2018)
​Invitation Letter
​Change of Venue - Updated Bulletin
​List of Participants
​PPT ​PPT Title   ​
2.1 Value of Aviation
​2.2​Airport Economics and Oversight
​2.3ENNA - Algeria​
​3.1​ICAO Policies on charges
​3.2ICAO Framework for charges​
​3.3Moroccan Airports and ANSP Operator​
​3.4Economic Oversight of Airports​
​3.5Cost of Aviation MET Services​ Recovery in Tunisia
​3.6Global Framework ​of Regulation
4.1Customer Relations Programme 2018​
​4.2​Saudi Air Navigation Services presentation
​4.3Moving towards a Customer Centric Approach​
​4.4Moving towards a Customer Centric Approach​ & Performance Based Service Providers​
​5.1Airlines' business​
​6.1Concept of Building Blocks in Aviation Charges​
​7.1Cost Recovery Morocco​-Aviation Weather Services
​8.1​Calculating Charges - ACI
​8.2Calculating Charges - IATA​
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