Sixth Meeting of the RASG-MID Steering Committee (RSC/6)

(Cairo, Egypt, 25-27 June 2018)
​Invitation Letter         
​Group Photo            
​List of Participants
​Final Report           
​All Documentation
Working Papers (WPs)
WP # ​Agenda Item # ​Working Papers   ​
1 1 Provisional Agenda
​22​Global Developments related to Aviation Safety
33​Follow-up on the RASG-MID/6 Conclusions and Decisions​
​4​3​MID-ASRT/2 Terms of Reference
​5​3Review of the Sixth MID Annual Report​
​63​​Analysis of Data - New Methodology
7​3​Preliminary Review of the Seventh MID ASR
8​3MID-RAST Activities
9​3Progress Report on the RGS SEIs/Update on the Implementation of SEIs & DIPs
10​3​Outcome of the RGS WG/4
11​3​Wildlife Hazard Management Plan Template
123​Outcomes of the MID-SST/4​
13​3NCMCs Meeting​
​14​3​Strategy for the Enhancement of Cooperation Strategy among the MENA States in the provision of AIG Functions
​15​3Revised MID Region Safety Strategy​
163RASG-MID Work Programme for 2018-2019
173Establishment of MENA RSOO
183​​​Fourth MID Region Safety Summit
193​Guidance for Monitoring and Reporting Runway Surface Conditions at Aerodromes
​204​MIDANPIRG Activities related to Safety​
​214​GNSS Vulnerabilities
225Future Work Programme 
23​5​RASG-MID Procedural Handbook and RASG-MID Working Arrangements
Information Papers (IPs)
1List of Working and Information Papers​
​2Order of Business and Work Programme 
36​Safe Cargo Operations​
​4​6Facilitation of Data-driven Decision-making in suppor of Safety Intelligence to support Safety Risk Management​
Presentations (PPTs)
1Sixth MID Annual Safety Report
​2Preliminary Review of the Seventh MID ASR​
3Status of Safety Indicators and Targets​
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