Eighth Meeting of the MET Sub-Group (MET SG/8)

(Cairo, Egypt, 1 - 3 July 2019)
​Invitation Letter
Group Photo​
​List of Participants
​WP # ​Agenda Item # ​WP Title   ​
1​ 1 Provisional Agenda and Election of Chairperson
​2 2​ Status​ of MIDANPIRG/17 & RASG-MID/7 Conclusions and Decisions relevant to the MET Field
​34.2​Volcanic ash exercise in November 2019 called VOLCEX19​
​44.2​​Results of SIGMET Tests in the MID Region
​54.2​​Results of the questionnaire on low-level wind shear
64.3​​OPMET Data Exchange - status on implementation of ROC 
​7​4.3​Results of the questionnaire on IWXXM implementation
​8​4.4​Review and Update of the MID Air Navigation Strategy Parts related to MET
​9​4.5​Status of Quality Management System Implementation in MID Region
​104.6​Review of the MID electronic Air Navigation Plan (MID eANP) - MET Part​
​11​5​MET Deficiencies in the MID Region
​126​​Future Work Programme
​13​4.1​SADIS Update
​IP #Agenda Item #IP Title
11​List of Working and Information Papers​
​2​2​Order of Business and Work Programme
​3​3Outcomes of the MET Panel and its Working Groups​
​PPT#Presentation Title
​1Future WAFC-SADIS​
2WAFS Timelines Poster​
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