CAPSCA EUR/MID/9 Virtual Meeting
(7 - 9 December 2021, 11:00 - 13:00 UTC)
​Invitation Letter
Work Programme​
​Summary of Discussions
​PPT # ​PPT Title   ​
​1​Global updates on CAPSCA Programme - HQ
2​Aviation Multi-layered Disease Defense Strategy - FAA
​3​​COVID-19 related activities - EASA
4​​Public Health Corridor iPack - HQ
​6​Airline for Airlines - Avion Express
​7 COVID-19​ going into year 3 - Current challenges from an industry perspective - Airbus ICCAIA
9 Mitigation Measures on Operational Continuity - Bahrain
10​​Egypt Experience and Lessons learned from COVID-19
​11​Egypt Preparedness & Response for COVID-19 at POE
12​​Egypt COVID-19 Response - MOP
​14Impact of COVID-19 on Geneve Aeroport Activities​
15​​COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - Saudi Arabia
​16​Measures taken during the COVID-19 Pandemic from the Aviation Health and Safety Perspective - Qatar 
17​​PHA and CAA need to understand and trust each other - Austria
​18​COVID-19 Response at IHR-designated Airports in Germany-Lessons Identified so far
​20Coordination Role of the Interstate Aviation Committee in the Public Health Issues in Civil Aviation of the Member States of the Agreement - IAC
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