Regional AVSEC Ministerial Conference Egypt 2017

Regional AVSEC Ministerial Conference Egypt 2017

22 - 24 August 2017
Sharm el Sheikh , EGYPT
The Maritim International Congress Center
Registration is closed

Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP): The Roadmap to Foster Aviation Security in Africa and the Middle East.


We have the honour to invite you to participate in the Regional Ministerial Conference on Aviation Security in Africa and the Middle East in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from 22 to 24 August 2017; Under the theme of GASeP: the Roadmap to Foster Aviation Security in Africa and the Middle East.


The objective of the Ministerial Conference is to address the GASeP, and to adopt a Declaration and Roadmap on fostering Civil Aviation Security in Africa and the Middle East. The Conference is intended for Minister(s) who are directly responsible for the implementation of international Standards pertaining to the security of air transport in your State.


The Conference will address as well subjects of interest to a wide-ranging audience, including Ministries of Transport, Interior, Civil Aviation Authorities, Airports, Airlines, Aviation Security and Facilitations Service Providers, Aviation Security training providers, etc.


The Conference will begin with an Experts' Meeting from 22 to 23 August followed by a Ministerial Session on 24 August.


Aviation Security in Africa and the Middle East


  • Effective aviation security oversight capabilities as measured by the Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) provide a proactive indicator of levels of security performance.


  • The AFI and MID Regions have aggregate-effective implementation scores below 70 per cent. In order to significantly improve aviation safety in the AFI and MID Regions, strengthen regulatory oversight and enhance safety performance, political will and support, at the highest level of Government, are fundamental. 


  • In light of the above, the political support and direction from Ministers responsible for aviation security matters are important preconditions for the success of this event and the various initiatives and the achievement of the GASeP goals and targets.


We invite you to visit our website regularly for future updates on this event.

For further information regarding the AVSEC Regional Ministerial Conference, please contact