“ICAO SAF Connect” - ACT-SAF Side Event

Date: 11 October – 9:00am – 12:30pm
Location: Montréal, CANADA
Venue: ICAO HQ, 999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard

Following the 2024 ICAO LTAG Stocktaking Event, ICAO invite you to an ACT-SAF Side Event on Friday 11 October, 9:00am to 12:30pm.

The ICAO ACT-SAF programme was launched in June 2022 and creates opportunities for States to develop their full potential in SAF development and deployment, in line with the ICAO Global Framework for SAF, LCAF and other Aviation Cleaner Energies, adopted at the ICAO CAAF/3.

This Side Event will gather ACT-SAF Partners in-person for the first time to discuss and further progress on the ACT-SAF Programme. This event will be open to all Stocktaking participants, and we encourage new stakeholders to join and become ACT-SAF Partners in view of this event.

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