Day 1, Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Opening Introduction
Session 1: ICAO MRTD Standards and Specifications: Regulatory Framework
Mr. Barry Kefauver, ICAO TAG/MRTD Expert, ISO, United States
ICAO's Global Leadership in Setting MRTD Standards and Regulatory Framework
Mr. Mauricio Siciliano, Technical Officer, ICAO MRTD Programme
ICAO MRTD and eMRTD Standards and Specifications
Mr. Tom Kinneging, Senior Expert Standardization, Morpho, Netherlands & Convenor of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC17 Working Group 3
New Document 9303 Developments and Latest Technical Reports
Mr. Tom Kinneging
Sponsor Presentation:
Trüb AG
Session 1: ICAO MRTD Standards and Specifications (continued)
Are you Ready for an ePassport? Will an ePassport Solve all your Challenges?
Mr. Barry Kefauver, ICAO TAG/MRTD Expert, ISO, United States
Production of MRTDs: Zimbabwe Situation
Mr. Tobaiwa Mudede, Registrar-General and
Mr. Henry Machiri, Computer Manager, Registrar-General's Office, Zimbabwe
Sponsor Presentation:
HID Global
Session 1: ICAO MRTD Standards and Specifications (continued)
African Union Commission Evaluation Missions: Findings and Efforts
Mr. Jean Claude Rubagumya, Equipment Specialist (on behalf of the Deputy Director, African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism - ACSRT), African Union Commission
Towards Machine-Readable Convention Travel Documents: Challengers and the Road Ahead
Mr. Alexander Beck, Senior Legal Officer, Division of International Protection, UNHCR, Geneva
Secure Identification, Secure Borders and Secure Skies: Exploring Pre-conditions for Sustainable Development in Africa
Mr. Englebert Zoa Etundi, Representative of Cameroon on the Council of ICAO
Sponsor Presentation:
IRIS Corporation Berhad
Day 2, Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Official Welcome: Welcoming Remarks
Hon. T. Mathuthu, Governor for Matabelel and North Region, Zimbabwe
Hon. Nicholas T. Goche (MP), Minister of Transport, Communications and Infrastructural Development, Zimbabwe
Session 2: Travel Document Security and border Security:
Mr. John Wycliffe Kabbs Twijuke, Representative of Uganda on the Council of ICAO
- INTERPOL's Efforts in Enhancing Border Security
Mr. Cédric Morfin, Principal Assistant, Counterfeit Currency, Counterfeit and Security Documents Branch, INTERPOL
- ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD) - An Overview and Benefits of Joining PKD
Mr. Roman Vanek, PKD Board Chairman, Chief, Division Identity Documents and Special Tasks, Federal Department of Justice and Police, Switzerland
- Enhancing Border Security through Data Sharing - Cases of ICAO PKD and eVisas
Mr. R. Rajeshkumar, Chief Executive of Auctorizium Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Sponsor Presentation:
De La Rue
Session 2: Travel Document Security and Border Security (continued)
Joining the ICAO PKD: Taking full Advantage of Becoming an Active PKD Member
Ms. Christiane DerMarkar, PKD Officer, ICAO
MRTD and Advance Information Systems in Zimbabwe (part 1)
Mr. Evans Siziba, Assistant Regional Immigration Officer and
MRTD and Advance Information Systems in Zimbabwe (part 2)
Mr. Norman Sanyanga, Aviation Security Manager, Civil Aviation Authority, Zimbabwe
Sponsor Presentation:
Regula Baltija Ltd.
Session 2: Travel Document Security and border Security (continued)
Relevance of the MRTD Programme to UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) ICAO, Regional Seminar on MRTDs, Biometrics and Border Security
United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism committee Directorate
Sponsor Presentation:
Oberthur Technologies
Introduction to Fraudulent Methods used in Travel, Identity and Visa Documents
Ms. Helena Esteves, Inspector, Immigration Services, Document Analysis and Identification Department, Portugal
Optimising Security and Facilitation in Border Controls: Exploring the Role and Potential of API/PNR
Mr. Jean-Francois Huergo, Director Business Development, Government and Solution Line, SITA
E-Visa – An Essential Component of Facilitation
Mr. R. Rajeshkumar, Chief Executive Auctorizium Ptd. Ltd., Singapore
Validating E-Passports at the Border: The Role of the PKD
Mr. R. Rajeshkumar
Day 3, Thursday, 29 November 2012
Session 3: The Integrity of Passport Issuance Process: Using the ICAO Assessment Guide in Practice
Mr. Barry Kefauver, ICAO TAG/MRTD Expert, ISO, United States
ICAO Assessment Guide: Purpose, Structure and Methodology
Mr. Robin Chalmers, Consultant, Travel Document and Secure Identity Specialist, United Kingdom -
Guide for Assessing Security of Handling and Issuance of Travel Documents, Part 1, Best Practices, Jan 2010
Assessment Guide, Part 2, Evaluation Tool, January 2010 (MS Excel)
Closing Remarks and Wrap-up