
CAR Workshop on the Use of the New ICAO Frequency Finder Tool

Mexico City, Mexico, 6 – 10 November 2017



​Invitation Letter


​Group Photo

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​#​Item​Title​Date​Language ​
​P/012​Installing, Start page, Home page, Presented by the Secretariat​11/10/17
​P/02​4​Integrity check, COM list 3 buttons and Query, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/03​6.1​Test Frequency, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/04​6.2​Add, modify or delete frequency, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/05​6.3​Mapping, Export, Special Functions, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/06​7.1​Planning Criteria for SSR Mode S II Code, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/077.2SSR Mode S II Codes​, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/08​3​ICAO Handbook on Radio Frequency Spectrum Requirements for Civil Aviation - Volume II - Frequency assignment planning criteria for aeronautical radio communication and navigation systems, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/09​5.1​ICAO Handbook - Frequency assignment planning for VHF COM systems, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/10​5.2​ICAO Handbook - Use of frequencies, Presented by the Secretariat​​11/10/17
​P/11​Alignment of ITU and ICAO frequency databases , Presented by the Secretariat​06/11/17


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