Social Media

Through social media, aviation professionals, civil society, and news media can engage with us and each other about ICAO’s work and emerging aviation issues and opportunities.


ICAO encourages relevant, constructive discussions in our social media channels, with a view to enhancing advocacy toward our strategic objectives and the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


ICAO has adopted social media moderation rules. They require users to be thoughtful, factual, respectful and relevant at all times.


In particular:


  • ICAO will not be associated with uninformed speculation or repeatedly misinformed statements or questions regarding the safety and security of the civil aviation network.


    This includes but is not limited to speculation and misinformation on the causes of aircraft accidents, or the efficacy of a given State’s operational oversight.


    Members of the public with serious concerns in this regard should raise them directly with the relevant airline operators or State authorities concerned. ICAO offers a directory of State authorities here.


  • ICAO will not be associated with misinformation about its capabilities, the policies, positions, and activities of the ICAO Secretariat, or the national governments which diplomatically establish international standards, programmes, and targets through our agency.

  • ICAO will also not be associated with other types of abuse, such as misleading statements designed to provoke public panic or confusion; attacks or abuse among social media users; automatized spam (bots); or any type of overt or implied threat or insult aimed at individual ICAO staff, our member States, or other stakeholders.

  • ICAO will take reasonable steps to prevent and remove content of this kind, including dialogue; the deletion, hiding and/or reporting of content; and, as a last resort, the blocking of the content’s originator.

  • ICAO will delete posts which abuse the audience access privileges provided by our platforms for the purposes of self or commercial promotion. In the case of repeated offenses of this nature, offending accounts will be blocked.


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