Moving Air Cargo Globally


In conjunction with the World Customs Organization (WCO), ICAO has produced the Third edition of the Moving Air Cargo Globally brochure. 

Aviation security measures are key to safeguard international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. Previous attacks on civil aviation committed or attempted by concealing improvised explosive or incendiary devices in consignments demonstrate that it is essential to remain vigilant and apply measures that secure air cargo and mail.
Vulnerabilities in cargo and mail security can provide terrorists and criminals with a route of attack and the highly complex nature of the air cargo and mail operating environment, involving a multiplicity of entities, adds to the difficulties of countering threats.
This publication identifies the roles and responsibilities of these various entities and highlights how they can work together effectively to secure air cargo and mail within the regulatory framework.

To read the ICAO press release, please visit this page.

To read the WCO web article, please visit their website: English | French

Third edition, 2023


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