Security Culture Workshop (SCW)
This four-day interactive workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the development and implementation of an effective security culture, which is one of the key priority outcomes of the ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP). Promoting a robust security culture is critical to achieving good security outcomes. Therefore, the workshop focuses on interactive exercises that enable the participants to learn how to develop, implement, and maintain robust and positive security culture within their organization. Recognizing that a strong security culture must be developed from the top management across and within every organization, participants should be responsible for the development and implementation of security culture and security measures within their organization, including but not limited to, at the middle and senior management from the State's appropriate authority for aviation security, police and intelligence services, airport and airline operators, and other aviation security stakeholders.
* Additional information on ICAO security culture tools and resources can be found at
Security Culture.
Airport Security Programme (ASP) Workshop
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the requirements of an Airport Security Programme (ASP) and enable them to draft and review such programmes. It is recommended that participants are at the middle or senior management level within the State’s appropriate authority, or within an airport, who are responsible for the approval, quality control, drafting, updating and/or implementation of ASPs. It is also recommended that participants have attended a specialized aviation security training activity, such as the ICAO National Civil Aviation Security Programme Workshop or Management Course, prior to attending this workshop.
National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP) Workshop
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the requirements of a National Civil Aviation Security Programme (NCASP) and enable them to draft and review such a programme. It is recommended that participants are at the middle or senior management level within the State’s appropriate authority who are responsible for the control, drafting, review, updating and/or implementation of NCASP.
National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme (NCASQCP) Workshop
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to provide aviation security management personnel the knowledge and skills needed to develop effective aviation security quality control measures under a National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme (NCASQCP). The workshop provides tools to assist the development of documentation, implementation methodology, and maintenance of appropriate oversight and internal quality assurance procedures. Participants should be at the middle or senior management level with responsibilities in the development, approval and/or implementation of quality control activities. Participants should also have previous knowledge and/or experience in aviation security oversight functions.
Aviation Security National Certification Workshop
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the general principles of developing, implementing and maintaining aviation security certification systems, with an emphasis given to screener certification and aviation security instructor certification. The workshop presents guidance material incorporated in the ICAO Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 – Restricted) and provides an opportunity to develop sample programmes that can be used as the foundation for developing specific State certification systems and/or be incorporated into existing ones. This workshop is designed for personnel responsible for the development, implementation and/or oversight of aviation security certification systems.
National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme (NCASTP) Workshop
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the general principles of a National Civil Aviation Security Training Programme (NCASTP). The workshop will also provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and implement a NCASTP that addresses training requirements, including certification according to their National Civil Aviation Programme. This workshop creates an opportunity for participants to develop a draft of NCASTP by utilizing the ICAO template. Participants should be at the middle or senior management level with responsibilities in the development, implementation and/or oversight of NCASTP.
Risk Management Workshop (RMW)
This five-day interactive workshop is designed for aviation security management personnel and focuses on risk management as it applies to protecting civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference. The workshop provides participants with the tools to effectively assess risk through the identification and evaluation of threats, consequences and vulnerabilities. This workshop will expose participants to guidance material incorporated in the ICAO Global Risk Context Statement and provide them with the skills necessary to apply risk management methodology when determining the appropriate level of security measures to be implemented. Participants should be directly involved in the assessment or management of threats, vulnerabilities and/or risk on behalf of their State, including but not limited to, the State's appropriate authority for aviation security, National Police, Intelligence Services, airports, airlines and other aviation security stakeholders.
Crisis Management Workshop (CMW)
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to provide management personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement sound crisis management procedures. The workshop provides the personnel at the middle or senior management level of organizations within a State that have been assigned responsibility under that State’s National Civil Aviation Security Programme to form part of the crisis management element to respond to acts of unlawful interference occurring within that State.
Insider Risk Workshop (IRW)
This five-day interactive workshop is designed to train personnel to identify and develop insider threat scenarios and implement related aviation security preventive measures, in accordance with Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annex 17 – Aviation Security. The workshop will also introduce personnel to the ICAO Global Risk Context Statement (Doc 10108 – Restricted) guidance material and provide the skills necessary to apply risk management methodology to the insider threat to determine the appropriate level of security measures to be implemented. Recognizing that acts of unlawful interference perpetrated by insiders continue to be a threat to civil aviation, the participants should be responsible for the development, assessment, and management of aviation security measures. They may include but not limited to, middle and senior management from the appropriate authority for aviation security, police, intelligence services, airport or airline operators, and other aviation security stakeholders.