Strategic Objective C1 – Environmental Protection – Outreach and Public Awareness Activities


Environmental Protection – Home

Ninth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection

Amendments to Annex 16

Environmental Symposium

38th Assembly Outcomes

Global Aspirational Goals

Technological and Operational Measures /ASBUs

Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Aviation (SUSTAF)

Market-based Measures (MBMs)

States’ Action Plans

Assistance to States

Cooperation with other United Nations Bodies

Carbon Inventory and Climate Neutral Initiative

ICAO Environmental Tools

Outreach and Public Awareness Activities

Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Environmental Work

Technical Cooperation Projects



The 2013 ICAO Environmental Report, covering noise; local air quality; global emissions; State Action Plans; assistance and financing; adaptation; and partnerships and cooperation, was launched during the 38th Session of the Assembly. This document functions as ICAO’s periodic status report on aviation and the environment. It provides a comprehensive account of the work of ICAO on the environment.


Promotional material was produced to highlight ICAO’s achievements in the area of aviation and the environment, and several articles were published in various editions of the ICAO Journal, including a special environmental edition.


Press briefings, exhibition booths and side events were organized by ICAO on the occasion of ICAO and UNFCCC meetings such as the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19). The Organization also participated in numerous presentations, information sessions and outreach activities, using an assortment of banners, brochures, reports, leaflets and multimedia.

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