Policy and Standardization
Safety Monitoring
New and Emerging Activities
Emergency Response
Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)
Policy and Standardization
Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP)
The 2014-2016 Global Aviation Safety Plan, endorsed by the 38th Session of the Assembly, is being implemented as a high-level safety policy, planning and implementation document to be used at the global, regional and State levels.
The GASP establishes a mature safety oversight system as a prerequisite to the implementation of a State Safety Programme (SSP). Three areas of aviation safety continue to be global priorities: improving runway safety; reducing the number of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents; and reducing the number of loss of control in-flight
(LOC-I) accidents and incidents.
The next revision of the GASP will be based on input received during the High-level Safety Conference (HLSC) 2015. After the HLSC, the 2017-2019 GASP will be drafted for consideration by the Air Navigation Commission (ANC), State consultation and Council approval leading to endorsement by the 39th Session of the Assembly in 2016.
Safety Management
Enhanced Provisions for the Legal Protection of Safety Information
The 38th Session of the Assembly instructed the Council to take appropriate steps to ensure that provisions of Annex 19 — Safety Management, other Annexes as appropriate, and guidance material on the legal protection of safety information are enhanced, taking into account the findings and recommendations of the Safety Information Protection Task Force (SIP TF).
The SIP TF developed recommendations for amendments to Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation and Annex 19, addressing various issues associated with the legal protection of safety information.
Since then, the Secretariat has proposed amendments to the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) based on the recommendations of the SIP TF and in coordination with the Safety Management Panel (SMP). The proposed amendments were presented to the ANC for preliminary review in June and circulated to States and international organizations for comment.