Progress on ICAO's Strategic Objectives — Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency — Implementation




Aviation System Block Upgrades


The Fifth Edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) updated the content of the aviation system block upgrades (ASBUs) framework and provided more information on implementing aspects related to the ASBU elements using a performance-based approach to guarantee cost effectiveness of implementation investments. Although updated, the framework would benefit from more detail to facilitate implementation of its elements in different operational scenarios and based on local needs. This work is progressing and will be incorporated into the Sixth Edition of the GANP.


Electronic Regional Air Navigation Plan (eANP)


During 2016, the ICAO Regional Offices, in coordination with respective Planning and Implementation Regional Groups (PIRGs) and Headquarters, populated the new web-based platform of regional ANPs which consist of three volumes:


  • ​Volume I containing stable ANP elements;
  • Volume II containing dynamic ANP elements; and
  • Volume II containing dynamic ANP elements; and
    Volume III containing dynamic/flexible plan elements providing implementation planning for air navigation systems and their modernization, taking into consideration the ASBUs.


Volume I for all regions has been approved by the President of the Council on behalf of the Council. Volume II is approved for all regions but one. Volume III of the MID, EUR and NAT Regions are already approved, and all others will be ready by December 2017 after endorsement by the corresponding PIRGs.


International Codes and Route Designators Database (ICARD)


For safety of operations, five-letter name codes are assigned to significant reporting points used in air-ground communications and aeronautical charts. A new system to replace the current platform of the International Codes and Route Designators Database (ICARD) has been under development through agreement with the Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC). The new enhanced ICARD platform will provide system stability, increased processing speeds, and a more user-friendly design which will greatly improve efficiency for ICAO and State users. Despite some delay, development by CAFUC continues with some urgency as the current platform is not able to guarantee uniqueness of the five-letter name codes.

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