Financial Overview — Evaluation and Internal Audit Office

Evaluation and Internal Audit Office (EAO)


During 2017, EAO completed internal audits on the use of interns, the use of secondees, the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (ICAO TRIP) strategy, Global Aviation Training (GAT) activities, and cybersecurity. It also completed an evaluation report on ICAO partnerships with organizations and agencies of the United Nations system. Furthermore, ten reports by the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) were presented to the Council, along with the corresponding action plans proposed by the Secretariat. Subjects covered included: organizational ombudsman services; UN system support for Small Island Developing States; public information and communications policies and practices; activities and resources to address climate change; mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work; succession planning; the evaluation function; contribution of the UN development system to strengthening national capacities for statistical analysis and data collection to support the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other Internationally-Agreed Development Goals; and fraud prevention, detection and response.

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