National Aviation Planning
National Aviation Planning Framework Guidance
In 2019, ICAO embarked on developing Guidance for its Member States to establish a National Aviation Planning Framework that ensures sustainable development of air transport by prioritizing and coordinating the implementation of initiatives to improve the safety, security, facilitation, capacity and efficiency of their air transport systems. It provides a clear and comprehensive approach that supports the continued development of a State’s national air transport system in a consistent and sustainable manner. The National Aviation Planning Framework establishes a guide for public and private investments in the States’ aviation infrastructure as well as its safety and security oversight capabilities, by providing an implementation roadmap for long-term initiatives. Enhancing air transport systems through effective implementation of SARPs and policies while at the same time including and elevating the priority of the aviation sector into their national development plans supported by robust air transport sector strategic plans and civil aviation master plans, supports the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
SuM4All Global Roadmap for Action (GRA)
SPCP represents ICAO on the Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) Consortium and coordinated ICAO’s active engagement in the development of the “Global Roadmap of Action Toward Sustainable Mobility (GRA)”. The GRA is an ‘action-oriented’ tool to assist various transport stakeholders, including decision makers and development banks, to identify gaps, necessary steps, and appropriate instruments to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and improve the sustainability of their transport sector. It guides decision makers on how to achieve efficient, accessible, safe and green mobility by proposing a coherent and integrated menu of more than 180 policy measures that both developed and developing countries can draw on to progress towards the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. The GRA follows the 2017 launch of the Global Mobility Report, the first-ever global assessment of the transport sector across all modes. Six policy papers, a GRA summary paper, and an online, interactive tool towards Sustainable Mobility complement the GRA Report. SPCP also took the lead in ensuring accurate reflection of ICAO’s work in the “Review of International Agreements, Conventions and other Instruments to achieve Sustainable Mobility”. This document presents a stocktaking of existing international instruments—whether legally binding or nonbinding and involving one or multiple modes of transport—and maps them vis-à-vis the four global goals. It also identifies potential gaps, and suggests effective approaches moving forward.