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collapse Type Name : 2014 AHACG2 ‎(29)
collapse Category : 1-Report ‎(1)
FINAL REPORT for AHACG2.pdfFinal Report for AHACG/2FINAL REPORT for AHACG2Nov 27, 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 2-General Information ‎(8)
atm0154 AHACG-2 Invitation.pdfAHACG/2 Invitation Letteratm0154 AHACG-2 InvitationOct 22, 2014Secretariat 
atm0154 Attachment A Provisional Agenda.pdfProvisional Agendaatm0154 Attachment A Provisional AgendaOct 22, 2014Secretariat 
IP WP Template.docAHACG/2 IP/WP TemplateIP WP TemplateOct 22, 2014Secretariat 
Meeting Mini Bulletin.pdfMeeting Mini BulletinMeeting Mini BulletinNov 05, 2014Secretariat 
atm0154 Attachment B Registration Form.docRegistration Formatm0154 Attachment B Registration FormNov 05, 2014Secretariat 
Hotel Information.pdfHotel InformationHotel InformationNov 06, 2014Secretariat 
OOD.pdfOrder of BusinessOODNov 17, 2014Secretariat 
List of participants updated 19112014.pdfList of participants as of 19 Nov 2014List of participants updated 19112014Nov 19, 2014Secretariat 
collapse Category : 3-Working Papers ‎(13)
WP01 Provisional Agenda.pdfWP01Provisional AgendaWP01 Provisional AgendaOct 28, 2014Secretariat 
WP02 Update on Regional Planning for Afghanistan Contingency.pdfWP02Update on Regional Planning for Afghanistan ContingencyWP02 Update on Regional Planning for Afghanistan ContingencyNov 07, 2014Secretariat 
WP03 Flight plan and communications issues in Afghanistan.pdfWP03Flight plan and Communications issues in AfghanistanWP03 Flight plan and communications issues in AfghanistanNov 07, 2014Secretariat 
WP04  Europe-Asia Major Traffic Flow Contingency Planning (IATA).pdfWP04Europe-Asia Major Traffic Flow Contingency Planning WP04 Europe-Asia Major Traffic Flow Contingency Planning (IATA)Nov 17, 2014IATA 
Draft Afghanistan Contingency 1.pdfWP04 AttDraft Afghanistan Contingency 1Draft Afghanistan Contingency 1Nov 13, 2014Secretariat 
WP05 Europe-Asia Major Traffic Flow Contingency Planning (Iran).pdfWP05Europe-Asia Major Traffic Flow Contingency PlanningWP05 Europe-Asia Major Traffic Flow Contingency Planning (Iran)Nov 07, 2014Iran 
WP06 Flight Avoidance through the Kabul FIR (IATA).pdfWP06Flight Avoidance through the Kabul FIR WP06 Flight Avoidance through the Kabul FIR (IATA)Nov 07, 2014IATA 
WP07 Provision of Capacity in 2014, Preparation Measures for 2015 (Bulgaria).pdfWP07Provision of Capacity in 2014, Preparation Measures for 2015 WP07 Provision of Capacity in 2014, Preparation Measures for 2015 (Bulgaria)Nov 07, 2014Bulgaria 
WP08 Mid Region ATM Contingency SCM Outcomes.pdfWP08Mid Region ATM Contingency SCM OutcomesWP08 Mid Region ATM Contingency SCM OutcomesNov 10, 2014Secretariat 
WP09 Safety-Security Analysis and Civil-Military Cooperation.pdfWP09Safety-Security Analysis and Civil-Military CooperationWP09 Safety-Security Analysis and Civil-Military CooperationNov 07, 2014Secretariat 
WP10 Actions and Tasks.pdfWP10Actions and TasksWP10 Actions and TasksNov 07, 2014Secretariat 
WP11 Role of Pakistan in Afghanistan Contingency Planning (Pakistan).pdfWP11Role of Pakistan in Afghanistan Contingency Planning WP11 Role of Pakistan in Afghanistan Contingency Planning (Pakistan)Nov 14, 2014Pakistan 
WP12 Status of Military Transition in Afghanistan (NATO-ISAF).pdfWP12Status of Military Transition in Afghanistan WP12 Status of Military Transition in Afghanistan (NATO-ISAF)Nov 17, 2014NATO-ISAF 
collapse Category : 4-Information Papers ‎(2)
IP01 List of Papers.pdfIP01List of PapersIP01 List of PapersNov 17, 2014Secretariat 
IP02 Network Manager Operations Portal EUROCONTROL.pdfIP02Network Manager Operations Portal IP02 Network Manager Operations Portal EUROCONTROLNov 13, 2014EUROCONTROL 
collapse Category : 5-Presentations ‎(3)
BULATSA_presentationAHACG2_nov2014.pdfPPT01Bulatsa PresentationBULATSA_presentationAHACG2_nov2014Nov 13, 2014Bulgaria 
AHACG_2_EUROCONTROL_Evaluation.pdfPPT02Eurocontrol EvaluationAHACG_2_EUROCONTROL_EvaluationNov 17, 2014EUROCONTROL 
ACAA  ISAF Airspace Update.pdfPPT03ACAA  ISAF Airspace UpdateACAA ISAF Airspace UpdateNov 19, 2014ACAA/ISAF 
collapse Category : Flimsy ‎(2)
Flimsy - BOBCAT H24 and Dec 2013 TSD.pdfFlimsy01 BOBCAT H24 and Dec 2013 TSDFlimsy - BOBCAT H24 and Dec 2013 TSDNov 18, 2014Thailand 
Attachment 1 - Kabul FIR TSD - Dec 2013.pdfFlimsy01 AttKabul FIR TSD - Dec 2013Attachment 1 - Kabul FIR TSD - Dec 2013Nov 18, 2014Thailand