Objective 1: States’ Action Plans

The first objective of the ICAO-European Union Project was to help the participating States set up the structure and process needed at the national scale to develop a State Action Plan that complies with the recommendations specified by ICAO in Doc 9988: Guidance on the Development of States' Action Plans on CO2 Emissions Reduction Activities.​
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National Action Plan Team ​ ​

The project supported the establishment of National Action Plan Teams (NAPT) in the 14 selected States, which have become a key coordination mechanism and an inclusive process for the development of their State Action Plans. The National Action Plan Teams have changed the way the States work towards environment in aviation by triggering synergies amongst national stakeholders (i.e. civil aviation authorities, ministry of environment, ministry of transport, airports, airlines, air navigation services providers and fuel suppliers), facilitating the decision-making process and securing the financial and political support for the implementation of mitigation measures. The project’s capacity building strategy has therefore enabled a shift in institutional culture towards the environment in the selected States, which have taken ownership and gained greater awareness of environmental issues and are enthusiastic to undertake concrete action.
All 14 of the ICAO-EU Project beneficiary States have submitted a State Action Plans to ICAO. The most recent State Action Plan submitted by each of these States is available from the State Action Plan homepage.

These documents were produced with the financial assistance of the European Union (Contract No. EuropeAid/DCI-ENV/2013/322-049). The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. 



All of the State Action Plans developed through the ICAO-EU Project are availabe on the ICAO Environment State Action Plan webpage.


Burkina Faso​Congo​Kenya
Burundi​Democratic Republic of Congo​Sao Tome and Principe
​Cameroon​Dominican RepublicTrinidad and Tobago
​Central African Republic ​Equatorial Guinea


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