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Forms and Posters

​PHC Form 1: Crew COVID-19 Status Card
EN   FR   ES   RU   AR   ZH
​PHC Form 2: Aircraft COVID-19 Disinfection Control Sheet
EN   FR   ES   RU   AR   ZH
​PHC Form 3: Airport COVID-19 Cleaning/Disinfection Control Sheet
EN   FR   ES   RU   AR   ZH

​PHC Form 4: Public Health COVID-19 Passenger Self Declaration Form
EN   FR   ES   RU   ZH

PHC Form 5: Recommended Dataset on Reporting COVID-19 Testing Results

EN   FR   ES   RU   AR   ZH

​PHC Form 6: Recommended Dataset on Reporting COVID-19 Recovery

EN   FR   ES   RU  AR   ZH 

​PHC Form 7: Recommended Dataset on Reporting COVID-19 Vaccination

EN   FR   ES   RU   AR   ZH

Poster 1: Face Coverings and Medical Masks


​Poster 2: Aviation Multi-Layered Disease Defense Strategy


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