Products and Services
Performance-based Navigation (PBN) is the air transport community’s highest air navigation implementation priority, having now clearly demonstrated the benefits of evolving from sensor-based to performance-based in terms of safety, optimized airspace, reduced fuel burn and emissions (noise and greenhouse gas), more efficient routes, and the ability to maintain reliable all-weather operations – even at the most challenging airports.
Having now completed a very successful roll-out of free PBN information and training sessions, ICAO is now pleased to offer a complementary suite of PBN products and services that covers the full range of near- and medium-term implementation needs of States and aviation stakeholders. ICAO considers the provision of these PBN product and service offerings to be essential in light of the forecast doubling of international air transport traffic by 2030.
Since ICAO first began raising PBN awareness, it has learned a great deal about what States and stakeholders need in terms of PBN implementation assistance. ICAO has therefore structured the new PBN products and services into six specific categories: