Addresses and Messages | |
Opening Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Conference on Civil Aviation Cyber Security (Singapore, 9-10 July 2015) | |
Keynote Address by ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 34th Plenary Session of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), Agenda Item 3: ECAC Celebrates 60 Years Theme 2: ECAC Achievements since 1955 (Strasbourg, France – 30 June 2015) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the High-Level Meeting on the Implementation of the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP) (Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2015) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Opening of AFI Aviation Week Meetings (Maputo, Mozambique, 18-21 May 2015) | |
Keynote Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 2015 Global Airport Leaders' Forum (GALF 2015) (Dubai, UAE, 11 May 2015) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Third Meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation Middle East Region (Doha, Qatar, 27-29 April 2015) | |
Presented by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, for the Beijing International Forum on Civil Aviation Safety (Beijing, China, 23 April 2015) | |
Discours du Secrétaire General de l’OACI Raymond Benjamin à la 122ème Assemblée Générale de l'ATAF (Aix-en-Provence, 11 Avril 2015) | |
Keynote Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS Symposium (Dublin, Ireland, 24 March 2015) | |
Statement by the Secretary General to the ASEAN Aviation Summit (AAS) 2015 (Langkawi, Malaysia, 19 March 2015) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Seventh Annual ICAO Air Services Negotiation Event (ICAN/2014) (Bali, Indonesia, 17 November 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by theSecretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ICAO/CAAC Symposium on Low Cost Carriers (23-24 October 2014, Kunming, China) | |
Opening address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) 27th International Air Cargo Forum & Exhibition (Seoul, Republic of Korea, 7-9 October 2014) | |
Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the Korea Aerospace University (Seoul, October 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the first meeting of the Joint ICAO-WCO Working Group On Advance Cargo Information
(Singapore, 4 August 2014) | |
Opening remarks by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin on the occasion of the Inauguration ceremony for the Singapore Aviation Academy (Singapore, 4 August 2014) | |
Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the Singapore Civil Service College (Singapore, 7 July 2014) | |
Keynote Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the ECAC/EU Dialogue with the European Air Transport Industry (Vienna, Austria, 3 July 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the EU Heads of Mission Meeting (Ottawa, Canada, 26 June 2014) | |
Opening Remarks By ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the AFI Aviation Security Meeting
(Dakar, Senegal, 28 May 2014) | |
Welcome message by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the ICAO AFI Aviation Safety Symposium (Dakar, Senegal, 27-28 May 2014) | |
Address by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee (UNCTC) Open Briefing
(New York, N.Y., 25 April 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the ICAO-WCO Joint Conference on Enhancing Air Cargo Security and Facilitation
(Manama, Bahrain, 16 April 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the IATA-FIDAE Wings of Change Conference (Santiago, Chile, 26 March 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the Morocco High-Level Economic Forum
(ICAO HQ, 3 February 2014) | |
Opening Remarks by the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the Joint ICAO-ECAC Aviation Security Seminar for the Mediterranean (Paris, 28 January 2014) | |
L'Association Canadienne pour les Nations Unies – Grand Montréal discours liminaire prononcé par M. Raymond Benjamin, Secrétaire général de l’Organisation internationale de l’aviation civile (OACI)
(Montréal, mercredi le 20 novembre 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ICAO/IATA/Eurocontrol EUR/NAT Regional Runway Safety Seminar (RRSS) (Istanbul, Turkey, 6 - 8 November 2013) | |
Keynote Address by ICAO Secretary General Raymond Benjamin to the 22nd IATA AVSEC World Conference (Istanbul, Turkey, 5 November 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Ministerial Briefing on the Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI Plan)
(ICAO Headquarters, Montreal Canada, 23 September 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the ICAO/McGill Pre-Assembly Symposium
(Montréal, ICAO Headquarters, 21 September 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO Mr. Raymond Benjamin to the Sixty-second Special Meeting of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Directors General of Civil Aviation
(Chisinau, Moldova, 29 August - 2 September 2013) | |
Opening Address by the ICAO Secretary General, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 1st Regional Aviation Security Coordination Forum Asia And Pacific Regions
(Bangkok, 1 and 2 July 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Asia and Pacific Regional Sub-Office
(Beijing, China, 27 June 2013) | |
Secretary General – Speaking Remarks European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) National Aviation Authorities (NAA) partnership meeting
(Cologne, 16 May 2013) | |
Opening remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Flight Safety Foundation Business Aviation Safety Seminar
(Montréal, 10 April 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Twenty-fourth Meeting of the Aviation Security Panel
(Montréal, 8 April 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ATConf/6 Pre-conference Symposium
(Montréal, ICAO Headquarters, 17 March 2013) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Seminar in Preparation of ATConf/6 (Montréal, 28 - 30 January 2013) |
Keynote Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the
Asean Aviation Training & Eduction Summit (AATES) (Jakarta, Indonesia, 22 January 2013) |
Allocution du Secrétaire général de l’OACI, M. Raymond Benjamin, devant le Club Transport Aérien du Centre d’étude et de prospective stratégique « Les défis de l’aviation civile internationale »
(Paris, 20 décembre 2012) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ICAO Assistance for Action - Aviation and Climate Change Seminar (Montréal, 23 - 24 October 2012) |
Opening Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 49th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation Asia and Pacific Regions
(New Delhi, 8 to 12 October 2012) |
Speaking Notes by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) 26th Air Cargo Forum and Exposition Panel Session Theme: “Collaboration for Smart Security: Government and Industry Working Together”
(Atlanta, 2 October 2012) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Management Institute of the Beijing Capital International Airport (Beijing, China, 20 September 2012) |
Closing Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO),Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the High-level Confrence on Aviation Security
(Montreal, 14 September 2012) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Sixty-first Special Meeting of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Directors General of Civil Aviation (Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 August - 3 September 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Thirty-third Plenary Session of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) “Commentary on the contributions to the Debate”
(Strasbourg, 10-11 July 2012) | |
Opening Remarks by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Joint Conference on Enhancing Air Cargo Security and Facilitation (Singapore, 5 July 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ICAO Air Transport Symposium (IATS)
(Montréal, 18 – 20 April 2012) | ��� |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Conference on Aviation Security (Manama, 10 - 11 April 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Association of African Aviation Training Organizations (AATO) Conference (Nairobi, 2-4 April 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the TRAINAIR PLUS Associate Membership Ceremony East African School of Aviation (EASA, Kenya)
(Nairobi, April 2012) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the AEighteenth Meeting of the AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG/18) (Kampala, 27-30 March 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the AFI Regional Aviation Safety Group (AFI-RASG) (Kampala, 26-30 March 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Conference on Aviation Security (Caracas, 7 February 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Washington International Aviation Club (Washington, D.C., 17 January 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Conference on Aviation Security (Kuala Lumpur, 11-12 January 2012) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the International Civil Aviation Day 2011 (Montréal, 7 December 2011) |
Allocution du Secrétaire général devant l'Institut de formation universitaire et de recherche du transport aérien (IFURTA)
(Aix-en-Provence, France, le 24 novembre 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Conference on Aviation Security (Moscow, 21 November 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ICAO Aviation and Sustainable Alternative Fuels Workshop (Montréal, 18 October 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Twelfth Meeting of the Civil Aviation Authorities of the SAM Region (RAAC/12) (Lima, Peru, 3 - 6 October 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS) (Montréal, 20 - 23 September 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 60th Special Meeting of ECAC Directors General of Civil Aviation
(Taormina, Italy, 1-5 September 2011) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the LXXXI Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC)
(Cartagena de Indias, 27-28 July 2011) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the World Customs Organization (WCO) Council (Brussels, 24 June 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the China Civil Aviation Development Forum 2011 (Beijing, 11 - 12 May 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Flight Safety Foundation “Aviation Safety: Regulating, Implementing, Training” Conference (Nicosia, Cyprus, 27 April 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the First NGAP/TRAINAIR Plus Regional Conference (Seoul, 30 March 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, Inauguration of the ASTC Seoul
(Seoul, 29 March 2011) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, at the 10th Anniversary of Incheon Airport in the Republic of Korea (Seoul, 29 March 2011) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the First Meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation, Middle East Region (Abu Dhabi, UAE, 22-24 March 2011) |
Allocution du Secrétaire général devant la Chambre de commerce française au Canada « Les défis et enjeux de l’aviation civile internationale »
(Montréal, le 17 février 2011) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Aviation Security Conference (New Delhi, 14 February 2011) |
Opening Address by the Secretary General, Inauguration/opening ceremony for ENAC (Toulouse, 15 December 2010) |
Allocution du Secrétaire général devant l’ACNU
(Montréal, le 9 décembre 2010) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore's Distinguished Visitors Programme (Singapore, 2 December 2010) |
Allocution du Secrétaire général devant la Société des relations internationales de Québec (SORIQ) « Les défis et enjeux de l'aviation civile internationale en ce début du 21e siècle » (Québec, le mercredi 3 novembre 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the European Aviation Summit (Bruges, 26-28 October 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Arab Air Carriers Organization (Cairo, 19-21 October 2010) |
Secretary General's opening address to ICAO/McGill Worlwide Conference (26 September 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 21st Session of the Assembly of Parties of the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) (London, 12 July 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the ECAC Aviation Training Conference (Istanbul, Turkey, 24 - 25 June 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 2nd Pan-African Aviation Training Coordination Conference (Cairo, Egypt, 22 - 24 June 2010) |
16e Conférence annuelle du Forum Économique international des Amériques Conférence de Montréal “Innover pour réussir dans un nouveau marché global” Allocution de Monsieur Raymond Benjamin, Secrétaire général de l’OACI Énergie, Développement durable et Biodiversité
(Montréal, 8 juin 2010) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 66th IATA Annual General Meeting and World Air Transport Summit (Berlin, 6 June 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 5th ACI Asia/Pacific Regional Assembly and Conference (Sanya, China, 13 May 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the 2010 China Civil Aviation Development Forum (Beijing, 12 May 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Conference on International Air Transport Cooperation (Seoul, Republic of Korea, 6 May 2010) |
Remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the High-level Safety Conference (Montreal, 1 April 2010) | |
Keynote Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the IATA's 2010 "Wings of Change" Conference (Santiago, Chile — 24 - 25 March 2010) |
Opening Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, at the Opening of the Twenty First Meeting of the Aviation Security Panel (Montreal, 22 March 2010) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Aviation Security (Tokyo, 13 March 2010) |
Closing remarks by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals Symposium (Montréal, 4 March 2010) |
Allocution du Secrétaire général au CORIM L'OACI à Montréal: Un carrefour mondial de l'aviation, de l'économie et de l'environnement (le mardi 23 février 2010) |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the Regional Conference on Aviation Security “REUNIÓN SOBRE SEGURIDAD EN EL TRANSPORTE AÉREO”
(Mexico City, 16-17 February 2010) | |
Address by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, to the IATA Global Aviation Security Summit (Geneva, 22 January 2010) |
Allocution de Monsieur Raymond Benjamin, secretaire general de l’OACI, dans le cadre de la commemoration du cinquantenaire de l’ASECNA
(Saint-Louis 15 decembre 2009) | |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Raymond Benjamin, at the opening of the nineteenth meeting of the Technical Advisory Group – Machine Readable Travel Documents (Montréal, 7 December 2009) |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Raymond Benjamin, to the ICAO Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (Rio de Janeiro, 16-18 November 2009) |
Videotaped Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Raymond Benjamin, to IATA AVEC World 2009 (Cape Town, South Africa, 10 - 12 November 2009) Video version is available at |
Statement Mr. Raymond Benjamin, Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, on the occasion of the « dévoilement canadien du logotype de l'Année international de la diversité biologique » (Friday, 2 October 2009) |
Address by the Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Raymond Benjamin to the 6th Annual FAA International Aviation Safety Forum (Washington, D.C., 9 – 11 September 2009) |
Remarks by the Secretary General of ICAO, Mr. Raymond Benjamin, at the Dinner hosted in his honour by the Director General of IATA, Giovanni Bisignami (Montréal, 8 September 2009) |